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Posts posted by colneycanary

  1. Barry Fry thinks Lewis is now worth about 4 million now. How he comes to that figure i don''t know, but i hope they sell him because i think we get 25% of any sell on!


  2. 1st wizard the same could be said about Wes Hoolahan and his release clause. But that would be fine if he came here wouldn''t it. Or would you not want Hoolahan because we got him on the cheap because of his release clause. The same can be said with Earnie and Derby last summer! Get over it!!

  3. The official site is the most reliable without a doubt! But its interesting to read the newspapers stories to see who we have shown interest in. This of course does not mean we are going to sign them!

    I don''t believe the post on wes hoolahan having a medical on monday. Its not been reported anywhere that we have actually put a bid in, and until there is a report about it i will not believe posts like this. I think someone is just speculating or wishful thinking!

  4. Can''t see it myself but EDP reporting that he has been saying at a hotel just outside Norwich for the last few days. I thought he was going to Forest?


  5. Well, i love the new shirt. Don''t really care what name is written on it. We could of done alot worse than Aviva.

    But what i do hate is when company''s like Aviva who put thousands of people out of a job to move their call center''s to india. This should not be allowed to happen! B.T are just as bad, and i can honestly say i hate Aviva and B.T for doing this. They now have terrible customer service and speak very poor english!

  6. The same thing happened last summer. We would declare interest in a player, not do anything for weeks, other clubs would then come along and put an offer in, and we ended up losing out. Even though the transfer window is not open yet, we still see players moving from club to club. Chris Commons is just one example moving from Forest to Derby. We here all these rumours from our scout''s saying this player would be good, but whats the point because unless they are free they have no chance of coming here. Why are we stalling on players like: Hoolahan, Gorkks, James Brown etc. They are all cheap as chips, but no we wait for all other clubs to express an interest and then a bidding war starts out.
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