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Posts posted by Feathers

  1. I don''t know if anyone saw the "let''s do a Barcelona" thread and sorry for repeating myself, but I suggested running it from the angle of a co-op, with a minimum share of £50 (thus making it affordable to most and many) but no maximum, and each person getting a vote and say via secret ballot. This way nobody has a monopoly of power. This answers Mello''s gripe about already having paid his dues which is understandable, but also gives everyone a say in large decisions like an elected chairman or management appointment.

    Democracy I''ll tells ya, it''s the only way! By the fans for the fans! Collective power and all that! Viva la... yeah I''ll shut up...

  2. Obviously we''re nowhere near as large a club as Barcelona but I believe we can learn from their example, if not better. Not only choosing someone to run things, but also having a say on who is appointed as manager, or any major investments or changes that are proposed. If things go wrong there''d be nobody to blame but ourselves. We could make the minimum pledge £50, but no maximum. But I think (idealistic as it may be) that every pledge deserves one vote only, therefore every fan gets a say no matter what their finacial situation, and thus avoiding a monopoly of power.

    I wish I had the resources to set up such an idea but that''s not lilely right now (I''m even using dial-up internet *sigh*). Still, just putting the idea out there...


  3. [quote user="ipswichrscum"]

    that is the worst idea ive ever heard ...


    with such a massive difference of opinion in each and every fan ... thats just asking for trouble.

    how do u seriously expect each and every 1 of us to agree. not gonna happen im afraid.



    But it''s already been proven to work. Like I said Barcelona... one of the most successful clubs in the world. And they''re not the only ones. You don''t have to vote on every decision, but you can put major decisions in the hands of the fans. Who knows better than us? Nobody. And there isn''t the thing of conflicted interest, fans are in it for the love of their club, not financial gain. It just needs organisation and less apathy. With things like the internet I don''t see why not. 300,000 at £100 a head? That''s 30,000,000.

    Think about it.

  4. This is a bit of a radical idea but, us fans, why don''t we all club together and buy our club? Barcelona and Real Madrid are owned by their fans. Boards of directors, managers and coaches can be decided by democratic vote. Nobody knows how to run a club better than the fans themselves. There''s no point waiting for a rich knight in shining armour to come to the rescue, and recent history has shown how big business is crippling football. There are what, at least 300,000 Norwich fans? How much money can we raise?

    It might seem idealistic and pie in the sky, but with organisations like the NCISA we could get the ball rolling. It would have to be as democratic as possible though, with fans not having the uppance over others because of having a higher share. It could be structured like a syndicate trade union, every fan having a say.


    P.S Yes I''m new, but I''ve been reading these boards for a while and after today feel compelled to suggest something drastic. Hello all.

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