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Ken Aries

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Posts posted by Ken Aries

  1. does anyone know how many city fans made the long and unrewarding trip to boro? apparently they helped to make the highest ever attendance at the riverside stadium. im somewhat surprised to learn that this was the biggest crowd there, as i would have thought the likes of man u and the arse'', to name just two big clubs, would have a large travelling army.

  2. a lot of the time he seems to run around like a headless chicken. sadly, im not at all convinced that he''s good enough for this league. at times he''s shown signs of quality, but you couldnt accuse him of being a prolific goal scorer, and goals are what we''re crying out for. still, we havent much choice but to play him. let''s hope he turns on the style v spurs and helps the team along to a much needed home win.

  3. i know im posting this a bit behind times,but did anyone read the Bill Burrows column in saturday''s mirror?there was a rather bizarre error in a piece he wrote about football.under the heading half full.. he wrote, and i quote verbatim:"Everton:believe you me,i never thought i''d be writing this-but david moyes just might be the next brian clough. the goodison park outfit,god willing,will go on to stick two fingers up at the self-styled big three (chelsea, arsenal and NORWICH)" -my capitals.i didnt know what to make of that.i cant see how anybody could possibly confuse man utd with norwich city.any suggestions anybody?

  4. i did post last week to say: let''s accept defeat at chelsea and then move on,or words to that effect.seems like a lot of you dont want to see it that way.i just think we cant expect to get anything from the big boys.obviously we expect the team to work hard and put in their best efforts against every team,but there are some teams city should take points off,and some where it''s unrealistic to be thinking in terms of anything better than a draw.so let''s forget the chelsea debacle and look forward to all three points at home to Spurs.OTBC

  5. i couldnt agree with you more, charlies dad.i particularly loved the bit where the saddo referred to being  taken to carrow rd in the mid 80''s by a friend and how chelsea impressed him immediately.not as most locally born people would do,that is fall in love with their local team.unfortunately, despite the canaries recent success, there are still plenty of locals who prefer to pledge their allegiance to one of the big teams.it''s just extremely childish and pathetic.

  6. i think it may only be filled for the big games.i dont think city sold-out for last saturday''s bolton game,which i must admit slightly surprised me.mind you,people were probably somewhat reluctant to part with £30 so close to christmas,and also the fulham result couldnt have helped. so in summary,i feel it''s a good idea to continue with stadium expansion,as the extra seats will be very useful for some fixtures,if not all.

  7. unfortunately, the majority of those responding to my post missed the point entirely.im far from despondent and would love to see city win on saturday, which with football being such a "funny old game" could happen.all i wanted to emphasise was that nobody should get too down if the worst should happen,as there are several more realistic targets for victories this season.i probably didnt put over my argument very eloquently as im not in the habit of writing (typing) much these days.


  8. I say we''ll probably be hammered by Chelsea,not as a pessimist,but as a realist.If we finish up well beaten by them, it''s no real disgrace,as im sure a lot of teams will be in the same boat.My main point is that if we lose at Stamford Bridge we shouldnt be too deflated,just deal with it and move on.Losing there is nowhere near as disheartening as losing at Portsmouth or Palace.However,we have to look to victory against Spurs at home on Boxing Day being an achievable ambition.




  9. According to Andrew Cullen in the EDP the other week,we could sell-out at 35,000 every home game.If that is so,it''s such a pity our stadium''s capacity is rather limited.It also set me thinking that with a potential 35,000 crowd we are no longer a "small club".35,000 would rival many of the present Premiership club''s attendances,and even exceed a few of them. 



  10. does anyone know if the club have any plans to increase the capacity of carrow road,in addition to the new corner stand?a lot of fans have effectively been disenfranchised since our promotion to the premier league,due to our too small stadium.and before someone says: you should have bought a season ticket,i would remind them that not everyone can afford one.


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