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Ken Aries

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Posts posted by Ken Aries

  1. Of course every football club would love to win every match they play, but that is an impossibility. The point is, though, at certain times in a season a match can take on far more importance than others. Southend tonight is just such a match. It is vitally important to score the 1st away goal(s) of the season, and equally important to gain that 1st away victory to break this awful run the team is suffering. Come on City!

  2. Well said, Oscar. Norwich may be a relatively small city but its football club could never be described as small, not now anyway. I honestly believe we could be averaging 30,000 plus gates in the Premiership if Carrow Road had enough seats to fit all that lot in. There must be several clubs in the Premiership who envy our attendance figures, and I''m sure the majority of Championship clubs would love to see crowd figures like ours. So are the fans being unrealistic to have such great expectations of their beloved club, particularly since having had a recent taste of the promised land? In my opinion the answer has to be no.

  3. I agree with you, JayM, the amount of media attention devoted to Roy and his boys is ludicrously over the top. If I were Roy I wouldn''t be at all keen (geddit?) on this huge interest in Sunderland while I was still serving my apprenticeship as a fledgling manager. If he does fall flat on his arse, it is a sure bet that the press boys will be there in their droves to gleefully record the debacle. Bring it on!

  4. It would be the Fat Cat, but who needs a 2 mile walk to the ground having drained your last pint? So it''s any of these depending on how the mood takes me: Steam Packet, Coach and Horses, the Bell, Lloyds, Brannigans, the Woolpack, Compleat Angler or maybe the Rosary. I used to enjoy sinking a few in the Ferry Boat pre and post-match, sadly that is not possible at the moment. Will it ever reopen? It was equally sad to see both the Clarence Harbour and the Kingsway close for good and then be knocked into a pile of rubble. These were once popular pre-match drinking haunts. The City''s pub heritage is gradually disappearing before our very eyes.

  5. I didn''t go to last night''s match, but I''m very much looking forward to Saturday to watch the boys take on Luton. Let''s hope City can keep up the good work. Listening to the Radio Norfolk commentary last night, Waller and Adams were full of praise for the team throughout the match - I didn''t hear a single moan or groan from them. The only slight problem I could glean from them, was maybe a little bit of a lack of penetration from our attack. OTBC!

  6. Well said. The sity-a-shun is that we need a big target man (according to Worthy, anyway) and Chris is available and prepared to come here - so why on earth Worthy can''t simply pick up the phone and ask Chris what his terms are, God only knows. Do it Worthless! You might even endear yourself to a few fans, or at least help the healing process, anyway.

  7. Was it really necessary to write that long rambling post "loosely" linked to the word arrogant, blah? I was calling Worthless arrogant, not the board, so I don''t know why you brought the board into it. Dictionary definition for the word arrogant: aloof, contemptuous, disdainful or presumptuous etc. Any one of those 4 definitions fits the Irishman perfectly in my opinion. He was certainly presumptuous to feel his job was not under any sort of threat last season, either that or just stupid. And he has always been aloof and disdainful towards the fans, and even his players sometimes. Yes, an arrogant man if ever there was one.

  8. That''s almost another arrogant statement from Worthless. Another Up Yours! to the long suffering faithful. It sure as heck is going to take some effort to lever him out of the hot seat. Still, constant chanting of Worthless Out should at least make our passive board sit up and take notice. Who knows, if we keep up the barracking for long enough they may actually take action and do the dastardly deed of removing the clown from office.

  9. If my memory serves me well, which it may not in this instance, he had very few opportunities during his loan spell with City to show us what he was capable of. Basically, Worthy in his infinite wisdom, decided not to play him. I thought on a couple of occasions at least, he looked the business. He scored a lovely goal in the home debacle versus Ipswich, and he looked highly effective when he came on as a late substitute in the home fixture against QPR. I thought he helped a lot to turn that match round. Still, it''s totally irrelevant to discuss this now as he''s moved on elsewhere. All I can say is good luck to the lad in his future endeavours.

  10. There seems to be very little activity on this board these days. I visit this forum far less often than I used to and the reasons are threefold: 1. Hardly anybody posting,  2. Having to wait an eternity for posts to be moderated and finally a number of the more interesting posters have disappeared.                                                                                                               

  11. So, Worthy has, at long last, identified the right wing position as a weakness in his team, has he? Or is he right in saying (as quoted in today''s EDP) that it''s been difficult finding a suitable player to fill that berth since Mark Rivers left? I''m no expert on player availability, but I really can''t believe that there has been nobody good enough out there to fill that slot in the past 2 or 3 seasons, can you?
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