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Posts posted by Morph

  1. A slightly different tack on the issue of whether there is something wrong at Carrow Road at the moment.

    To all the supporters out there that are reading this, ask yourselves

    this question. Are you getting value for money from your entry money at

    the moment? And if you are explain why.

    I realise for many simply seeing the team is enough irrespective of

    what is happening on the pitch. For others, the entertainment value

    they are getting for shelling out their hard earned cash is very poor


    Where do you stand?

  2. KC, have to agree with your sentiments. I visit the forum less and less

    these days simply because there is no discussion and I stress


    I even have to think twice about trying to start a discussion, there

    are other boards where you actually get reasoned debate - sadly this is

    no longer one of them.

    This message board has become indicative of the club in it''s current state - stale.

    I would classify myself on the Worthy doubting side of the fence, but

    when you try to generate discussion on what needs to happen at the club

    to fix matters there is no reasoned debate. Even the KTFer''s don''t post

    anymore and I can understand why. The WOer''s that we have have become

    so vociferous and unreasoned that they leave themselves no room to

    manoevre and cannot see how anybody can have an opposing view.

    It''s sad but true.....

  3. Kathy, I think your article is spot on.

    The big difference between the two sides on Sunday was simple. One team

    came to do the job they were employed to do, the other team (for the

    most part) came to make up the numbers. I think in some circles it''s

    called football.

    I always thought the general idea behind football was that you passed

    the ball between you and your team mates trying your damndest to make

    sure the opposition didn''t get it, with the intention of eventually

    popping it in the goal that your opponent is defending.

    I''d like to point out to those City players on Sunday who couldn''t

    quite work out which was which - your team mates are the ones who were

    wearing yellow jerseys. And when the players in the blue jerseys have

    the ball you''re supposed to try and get it back.

    "load of" since you seem to be happy to knock the words that Kathy had

    written, would you be prepared to give us your view of what you saw on

    Sunday please. And perhaps a little insight into why you think this

    whole thing can be turned around.

    Perhaps I''ll get out of the shower in the morning and realise it''s all been one horrendously long dream.

  4. I have to say that I watched the debacle Sunday, well 90% of it - the

    10% I lost to doing the household ironing was more enjoyable.

    Ignoring that I wanted to post the major observation that I had of the game.

    Posters have maligned the defense for many of our defeats this season

    and also maligned the attack for not putting away what few chances they

    have, but what Sunday''s game really exposed was the lack of quality and

    effort in midfield. You can''t have a four man midfield where only one

    of the four turns up to play.

    I was always under the impression that the midfield is the engine room

    of your football team - it was when I played there. But what do we see

    from the current Canaries?

    1. When in possession the maxim "pass and move" seems to work well.

    Just watch the Ipswich youngsters on Saturday and you''ll see what I

    mean. On the other hand when City had the ball it was very much a case

    of get rid of it to the front blokes as quick as you can even if it''s

    an appalling pass forward. What happened to the short pass to one of

    your team-mates and then move into space to receive the return pass?

    2. When NOT in possession, press the opposition. How many times did you

    see Ipswich with the ball and City players dropping off them and gving

    them space? One classic example for one of Curries shots, when both

    Safri and Etuhu (I think) ended up in the six yard box when the Ipswich

    guy was outside the 18 yard box.

    Both of these aspects game much from the much vaunted work ethic that Worthy prizes so highly but where were they on Sunday?

    The engine room needs a major look at with players prepared to work

    their balls off and players who have the wherewithall to use the ball

    when they''ve got it. Of those on show only Safri fits the bill and on

    Sunday even he was a pale imitation of the player on show in the

    Premiership. If the pros can''t cut it in the side, which they don''t

    appear to, then drop them and bring in the youngsters who have the

    hunger to get the job done. Too many journeymen pros in there at the

    moment who aren''t prepared to do a "hard days work"!!

  5. CityAngel, I don''t want to drive your thread off at a tangent but the

    fact that lowly Crewe have knocked in three against Reading today just

    sums up a lot about City''s season.

    Clearly your experience at the open forum at Sheringham the other night

    suggest that the board believe that Worthington should be here at least

    until the end of the season.

    The big question is would a defeat against Ipswich persuade the fans to voice their discontent in a more forthright manner?

  6. If he is available on a free then I would say pick him up. Every time

    I''ve seen them play up here he''s been a useful right sided player to

    have in the team.

    The downside is that he''s 30. So he''s not exactly a young, up and

    coming prospect. More like another journeyman footballer with a

    slightly better pedigree.

    From: http://www.4thegame.com/club/glasgow-celtic-fc/player-profile/3488/didieragathe.html

    Didier Agathe is the kind of midfielder who likes to get forward, but can also drop back and play a deeper role if required.

    Since arriving at Parkhead in September 2000, Agathe has played an

    important part in Celtic''s successes. He played in all of the Champions

    League matches during the 2001/02 campaign, helped the club win the

    League on more than one occasion and played a crucial part in getting

    the Hoops to the UEFA Cup final in 2003.

    Martin O''Neill opted to play Agathe in an

    unfamiliar right-back role, which ultimately improved his performances

    during the 2003/04 campaign.

  7. a1, wasn''t there also a sell-on clause the Crewe put in when we bought him?

    That would knock the actual money we see from the Ashton sale down a little bit more.

    From the BBC site:


    Norwich have completed the signing of Crewe striker Dean Ashton for a club-record £3m.

    The England Under-21 striker signed a

    three-and-a-half-year deal with an option of one further year after

    passing a medical on Monday.

    The cost could rise by £500,000 and there is a 20% sell-on fee."

    So that''s £1.4M of the £7M paid out of the calculations.

  8. I''m sorry but I''m really tired of all the vitriole directed at Ashton.

    Football is his job. If he wants to take a job that is what he

    considers to be a better prospect for him personally, what''s wrong with


    Don''t tell me that everyone of those noters who are calling him a

    judas, wouldn''t jack in their own jobs if somebody came after them with

    a better deal. Give me a break!

    Ashton wants the big time and I would suggest that he does not believe

    that he is going to get the big time at the club in it''s current state.

    I don''t blame him. He wants to get on. He wants to get into the England

    setup and staying where he is doesn''t seem like that will happen.

    None of us had any complaints when he was knocking those goals in against Man U and Newcastle last season.

    Deano I wish you the best.

  9. ZLF, have we really short changed our midfield this season in terms of depth and quality?

    Last season we had:

    RM: Bentley, Henderson, Jonson

    CM: Safri, Francis, Holt, Helveg(?)

    LM: Huckerby, McVeigh, Brennan

    At the start of this season we had:

    RM: Marney, Henderson

    CM: Safri, Hughes

    LM: Huckerby, McVeigh, Brennan

    With the loan signings we now have:

    RM: Henderson

    CM: Safri, Hughes, Robinson, Etuhu

    LM: Huckerby, McVeigh, Brennan

    On that basis a glaring need at the start of the season was a natural right-sided midfield player and cover in the middle.

    The more glaring need now is a natural right-sided midfield player.

    Something Worthy hasn''t addressed at all this season preferring to

    continue with the "third" striker in the right sided midfield role.

    See when you look at it we''ve not had a ball playing midfield player

    alongside Safri for the last season and a half. Would you describe

    Francis as such.

    By all accounts, Hughes is Holt in all but name. Heart on the sleeve

    huff and puff but no exceptional ball talent (oh apart from that one

    pass to Ashton against Palace). Robinson and Etuhu, how do they rate

    against Francis?

  10. [quote user="YankeeCanary"]

    Thank you all for your kind words but,

    without wishing to be ungracious, I can hardly accept praise. This

    is the second year I have "borrowed" the sentiments of the author of

    this wonderful piece, Clement Clarke Moore. When he wrote it over two

    hundred years ago, being a modest and loving man, he wrote it for his

    wife and children. It took a friend to submit it to a newspaper some

    time later.


    Yankee you beat me to the punch. My kids have it amongst their collection of books that come out at this time of the year.

    That said your plagiarism was more than worth the read.

  11. [quote user="1st Wizard"]

    In my opinion, Ashton has never been a total ''canary'', his body language always had a ''loaner'' style to it.

    I''ll say what I always say to players who don''t want to stay at my beloved City:

    SOD OFF!.


    Sorry Wiz, can''t agree with your sentiments on this one. He is the best

    striker that we''ve had at the club for a long time. Words about

    building a team around a good spine (Worthy''s words I believe) seem

    somewhat mute here.

    Why did he look so handy in the Premiership - simply because of

    service. Without that service he has looked an ordinary striker. Who

    should we blame for the lack of service?

    I think the words from both Worthy and himself on the Championship

    suggests that he''s out of the picture. Worthy saying he''s signed a

    three year extension is just his way of saying you''ve got to pay for

    the lad. Such a waste of talent from City''s perspective.

  12. [quote user="The Great Drinkell"]From my information coming from Colney

    all the skillful players are being overlooked for the "Big lads" this

    is the biggest - no pun intended- worry about the whole set up under

    Worthy. I hope my information is incorrect.[/quote]

    Apparently that''s a worrying trend in the youth side of set-ups in

    Scotland as well GD. Big, fast and physical are the attributes prized

    rather than the ability with the ball.

  13. [quote user="Konstantin Pobedonostsev"]

    History is

    important because it is only through looking at where we have come

    from, how we did it and why we are where we are that we can properly

    assess our position and think about better ways of improving and

    helping our team than simply screaming SACK THE MANAGER.


    Can''t disagree with your first part about history being important on

    the condition that lessons are learnt from what has gone before. I

    think that is where the arguments on history begin to fall down with

    the current situation.

    You can browse this message board and find numerous posts from less

    vociferous posters about how the current coaching team have not learnt

    from past endeavours and how this continues to be so.

    You ask all supporters to find better ways of helping the team. I don''t

    think you''ll find a single poster who comes on this message board and

    does not give his all for the club on matchday. That''s not to say they

    will then blindly accept the performance on the field if it''s a poor.

    Every one of the supporters who post here want the club to progress.

    Doing nothing other than pledging our allegiance and having blind faith

    in the current situation is leaving many supporters frustrated.

    What other ways can the supporters help? Many don''t like what they see on the field at the moment.

    If a decorating business comes and does a crappy job on decorating your

    house - do you complain? I bet you do. That decorating business either

    brushes (pardon the pun) up it''s act or finds it''s out of business.

    Football clubs can get away with selling poor product because for the

    most part the fan keeps coming through the turnstiles. However, those

    fans do manifest their discontent with the product in other ways. I

    think that''s what you''re seeing here.

    Let me ask who do you think is responsible for the poor product at the moment? And more importantly how does the club fix it?

    As someone else noted, if Delia''s restaurant is performing badly who

    does she speak to to sort it out? I bet you it''s the head man that is

    told to sort it out or he/she will be looking for alternative


  14. [quote user="Konstantin Pobedonostsev"]Yes we are in a serious dip of form but so are Palace and they are just getting on with it and recognising that the best way, as football fans, that you can yank the club out of its slump is to show genuine passion, trust and support when the players and manager need it most.   [/quote]

    KP, might I ask what a supporter is supposed to do when, after giving the players and management that trust and support they go out and put together performances like the support has seen of late at Wolves, Luton, QPR, Millwall and Derby?

    How do you feel when someone just blatantly throws that trust and support back in your face by not performing?

    I think Worthy has had ample time to sort out the problems. Many of the problems have been there through the Premiership season and he either does NOT see them or simply chooses to ignore them. This has gone on to long and the normal rhetoric of hard work and effort is clearly falling on deaf ears. If they lose at Crewe with another no-show then the man should have the guts to admit he can''t fix this problem and leave.


  15. I posted this on the official site message board but figured it also deserved some board space here too:

    This is a heartfelt plea to the players from a remote City fan who is dismayed at the state that his club finds itself in.

    Another game. Another Saturday. Another no-show by many of the great and good that now wear the yellow and green.

    Yet the club continues to garner THE BEST away support in the whole of the Championship.

    These fans pay out their hard earned cash - limited cash some may argue

    - to follow their heroes. But sadly their heroes aren''t behaving in a

    manner worthy of that mantle at the moment.

    All I ask of the players in these trying moments is this.

    When you cross that white line at the start of the match remember to do just one thing.

    You may not feel up to playing for the manager and staff at the moment.

    You may not feel like playing for your own personal pride at present.

    You may even feel that playing for the shirt is not where you''re currently at.

    But, at least, find it in your nature to have the courtesy to go out

    and play for the fans who are earning a mere fraction of what you

    yourselves earn in a week. Doing what many of the fans can only dream

    of doing.

    In any other walk of life your conduct would be considered

    unprofessional and you would probably be shown the door in a short

    space of time. In football, you are afforded more luxury than that and

    the person shown the door is the man in charge. If you don''t agree with

    what the manager is doing then find a more constructive way to take the

    issue to those in charge of the club. But don''t do the paying public an

    unjustice by not giving your all.


  16. FB, you asked for people to make suggestions on changes given that the colours seem to be firmly posted to the Worthy mast.

    I would ask who is the person most responsible for first team coaching. If it''s Foley then Worthy could look at seeing if a change in his immediate staff would bring rewards. A fresh look at the training, the coaching and the style of play may help the situation. By all accounts the way the side under Williams is playing might warrant getting input from him on what changes could be made.

    Other than that. I don''t think a director of football will help - you get into internal arguments over who has control of how the first team plays. A sports psychologist from outside might help, but perhaps the players have had it all before. I thought Carolan was a sports fitness specialist which begs the question why we are having so many injuries.


  17. [quote user="1st Wizard"]

    I feel strongly that all moderation on these boards should end.


    Unless its deflamtory or libelist chat, let it rip.


    Don''t agree with you on this one Wiz. The second part of your treatise that I quoted is the crucial one as far as I can see.

    This is a message board that is connected to an operating business. I

    don''t know what disclaimers the Pink''Un or should I say Archant, have

    to protect them from what is posted on this site but moderation is

    their way of protecting themselves from any legal action due to

    libelist posting by a member of the posting community.

    With your carrowroad.net, wrathofthebarclay and so on there''s nothing

    at stake other than someone''s right to use a hosting service. Clearly

    if that webspace host deems the content of the site to flammatory that

    site would soon be torn down. I don''t think that''s an option for


    So I''m on the side of the moderators in this one. Whilst its a pain in

    the butt sometimes over the delay it is there for a reason. A rather

    serious reason.

    If you don''t like it there are plenty of unmoderated boards out there.

  18. FB, would you agree that something is not quite right at the club - at

    least judging by performances on the pitch. What''s your take on what is

    causing the current malaise and genuine under-performance?

    You know how people are, it''s just in our nature, that when things

    aren''t going right people look for somebody to blame. In the national

    team''s case when things are going RIGHT they look for people to blame.

    From my perspective I could argue that it''s good that the club has

    claimed to stand together on the current situation, but from the

    perspective of the more critical fans that have seen the team over the

    recent months it''s all too much spin and hollow words. People want

    action. They want to see things getting better. They don''t want to hear

    the usual tripe about the "rub of the green", "lady luck not on our

    side", "good work rate" and all that stuff.

    The PR machine is really working overtime and I''m not sure if they''re

    simply trying to convince themselves that everything is alright. Nobody

    has come out and said they know what''s wrong and what''s being done to

    fix it. Even Worthy in his post-Wolves interview couldn''t find the

    words to say what was wrong.

    It''s that lack of understanding of the problem that worries me the

    most. An infinite amount of keeping the faith isn''t going to help it

    the coaching staff and players can''t put their fingers on what is

    broken and how to fix it. Rabbit''s feet, four leaf clovers, horseshoes,

    heather sprigs and so on just doesn''t cut it.

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