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    The Polar Bears Made Me Do It

    Motion to re-appoint Stephen Fry as a director

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    Wasn''t he one of the Associate Directors who sent the letter to the board asking for Doncaster to be sacked Greeno? I think you can find that letter and those criticisms on here somewhere.

    What do you think is the reason behind the call for this ''protest vote''?

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    [quote user="Bury Green"]Actually NN I think you''ll find that some of the open dissent the Majority Sharehildersa came in for at an AGM a few years ago came from none other than our Chairman.

    From recollection he was a non-exec director holding some Preference Shares from the first share issue, took £25k''s worth and raised some strong questions of them.[/quote]That''s just not true Bury........"Sports Desk Pete: You

    publically challenged how Smith & Jones were running the club back

    in May. Apart from their obvious love of the club, what have you seen to

    change your opinion? Can u sit down pleas"
    "Alan Bowkett: 

    u sit down please - I must correct you, I publicly challenged how Neil

    Doncaster was running the Club.   As for Delia and the two Michaels, I

    think their outstanding contribution has been the appointment of David

    McNally   as Chief Executive - a consummate businessman who has a decade

    of football experience at the highest level.   Paul, David and I are

    now running the Football Club with the complete support of the

    substantial shareholders.   When we have had to take very difficult

    decisions, all our substantial shareholders have been demanding in their

    questioning of our proposals, as I would wish any non-executive

    director to be and then they have been some of the most supportive

    non-executive directors I have ever worked with and I can assure you I

    have worked with a lot.   Let''s not forget, I did not seek this job and

    it was Delia and Michael that realised some fundamental changes had to

    occur and they spent considerable time persuading me to undertake the


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    Thanks for that, the actual challenge came from Bowkett and a Bartrum from recollection, both at the AGM and then by way of an open letter?

    Accepting this was aimed at Doncaster is it not the same as a ''back chanel'' criticism of the Majority Shareholders? They appointed the bloke, they kept him there until he was literally dragged out of the place after relegation to League 1 and the disasters that followed.

    You don''t need much of a political nose to detect what was actually being said, a criticism of Doomcaster is nothing more than a criticism of the people that kept him there so long?

    In came the new Chairman, he brought his new Chief Exec and in came the all important third piece of the puzzle, a manager.

    History was in the making.

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    If it was a criticism of Smith & Jones then he obviously lied about it later which would make him poacher turned gamekeeper and snuggly in bed with the cook ;)

    Delia appointed McNally before Bowkett came on the scene. But some people prefer to believe the bank appointed him because it sits more comfortably with their prejudices. However either way Bowkett didn''t.

    Now Greeno, what do you think is the reason for the ''protest vote'' against Fry?

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    The return of Smudger?There is no clear reason for a protest vote - as defined on this thread. The main reasoning given so far is "what does he do?".As has been clearly unveiled it would appear that the same folk don''t really know what quite a number of the directors have or haven''t done.In which case it''s a piffingly good job none of  them actually have any actual control over the club and have to come on here to try and drum up some support. I suggest people look to articles about Fry''s appointment to the board as to why he was brought in.Common sense would suggest that as he comes from the entertainment industry he would have quite a number of skills and an experienced knowledge base to share with the club for the better. That''s before you take into account his actual ''celebrity'' status which is due to a world wide knowledge of him, which can only help promote the knowledge of the club in areas of the world it may not be so well known.

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    [quote user="Bury Green"]Accepting this was aimed at Doncaster is it not

    the same as a ''back chanel'' criticism of the Majority Shareholders?

    [/quote]I''m still struggling to see your point Bury. Can you

    point out the ''back chanel'' criticism of the Majority Shareholders for

    me......."Mr Bertram and Mr Bowkett wrote to Mr Munby: “Under

    your chairmanship and Neil Doncaster''s executive leadership the quality

    of our product has deteriorated every year since 2004, losses have

    continued to mount and debt piled up.“The only honourable course

    open to you both is to resign forthwith without compensation, the board

    to search for a new chief executive, appoint a new chairman from the

    local business community and work with the current majority shareholders

    (Delia Smith and Michael Wynn Jones) to get us out of this mess.”

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    Putting aside the Fry issue for a second and the suggestion a fan should be appointed to the board-not unique to our club and, of course, in some cases, fans or supporters groups are represented on clubs boards.


    But what would a fan bring to the board of our football club?


    A voice,as in "the voice of the supporters" =certainly. But it would be just his or her voice at worse and, at best, the collective ''voice'' of a selective group of people known to them. It could never be the voice of all the fans and, whatever they propose, suggest or just generally sound off on would be met with as many fans reacting with "...well he/she doesn''t speak for me" as those who say the opposite.


    Pretty much what you could say about Fry. Some like him, some don''t. Some will like the fan on the board. Some won''t. Infact, if anything is going to get the green eyed monster going its fans seeing another fan on the board-"why are they on the board and not me, I''m just as loyal a fan as they are".


    And a fan on the board? Don''t we have one. Stephen Fry is a fan. Or doesm''t it count in his case?


    I''d welcome any fan coming onboard who sinks a great amount of cash into the club-you put in £10 Million and want a place on the board in part exchange, even so, their influence shouldn''t be any greater than the fan who sits there because he or she is an ''ordinary'' fan.


    So really, is anyone out there a better option than Fry. Or worse? Its all much of a muchness really. He has a lot of things in his favour that we''ll never have going for us and thats tipped the scales-he DOES offer something, however vague or fluffy the reasons cited at the time of his appointment. Its still more than a fan would have to offer other than their voice and an opinion-on that basis, we should have about 22,000 fans on the board as each will think their opinion and value is as good as anyone elses.


    If he is voted off then we''ll just have one director less. But nothing will change other than that-but if it makes some people happy, then hey... 


    Much more important issues surround the club than whether S.Fry is a Director or not.






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    Good post as ever Old Shuck. Our board has fan''s coming out of it''s ears!

    Herman, I doubt I will but hope springs eternal...

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    If you read the thread back you will see that some want a fan on the board.....while others want to kick one off. And sometimes they''re the same people.Surely a reason has to be given to justify a vote against an individual rather than just admitting they "don''t know what he does". If that''s the case, why aren''t people asking the same questions of Stephan Phillips?

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    id love to think hes out there convincing some rich friend to buy the club

     even if he did delia wouldnt sell


    what does he actually do ?

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    I carry no particular grudge against Stephen Fry but if it is put to me as a shareholder to vote for his re-election then surely I should use my vote and if necessary state my reasons why. As many contributors have stated he adds nothing to the Board and rarely attends any Meetings or matches. Needless to say being a "Norfolk Boy" I do not get excited about the worth of "celebrity luvvies". I am sure there are several long standing supporters who could make worthwhile contributions. If I was on the Board a couple of years ago and was asked to make an observation on transfers in, then I could have saved the Club £8 million on one player !!!

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    So you want to boot off an intelligent, articulate, wealthy-ish, friend of many in the creative industries etc, Norwich City fan, because you and others ''think'', NOT KNOW, he adds nothing to the board. And that''s it?!

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    VOS, you are entitled to do what you like with your vote and shouldn''t have to give a reason to anyone. However the OP comes on here trying to drum up support from other shareholders for a protest vote against one of the directors. Now I think he should give a reason. Surely the only reason any of you can have is a personality judgement of Fry because the board as a whole have had great results since he was invited on.

    Your point about the 8m transfer is a good one but surely that would be better addressed with a protest vote against McNally? All this fan on the board nonsense leaves me cold to be honest. Its one thing for us bog cleaners, bakers and candlestick makers to chew the fat on here but quite another to try and upset the running of the club with protest votes at the agm or actually helping make decisions at boardroom level.

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    Err, I did give the reason - I don''t see what he contributes other than celebrideeeee puff.

    I also don''t give a monkey''s chuff how others vote, I''ll be opposing it.

    And, most pertinently, this point only applies to shareholders who will be attending the meeting. Most "contributors" on this board, despite their many thousands of inane posts aren''t and can''t.

    But thanks for all your luverly replies (I eve bothered to read some).

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    So you''d upset a successful boardroom because you don''t know what one of them contributes. Do you know what the others contribute?

    See you there.

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    [quote user="The Polar Bears Made Me Do It"]Err, I did give the reason - I don''t see what he contributes other than celebrideeeee puff.

    I also don''t give a monkey''s chuff how others vote, I''ll be opposing it.

    And, most pertinently, this point only applies to shareholders who will be attending the meeting. Most "contributors" on this board, despite their many thousands of inane posts aren''t and can''t.

    But thanks for all your luverly replies (I eve bothered to read some).[/quote]any suggdestions to who thius numpty isclearly a regular on here using tet another log in namemaybe he (?) has something to be embarrassed about and so has to hide behind this new name

    as to Mr Fry I shall be voting for him, if only to counter the miserable bar stards as above

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    I find some of the responses on this thread rather odd. I am quite happy with the main Board Members i.e. Delia, Hubby and Michael Foulger and just because we have the opportunity to make a vote against Stephen Fry, some people want to interpret this as "rocking the boat". This is not the case at all.

    There are many long standing supporters who could make a better contribution than Stephen purely to put their experience in the game to good use. On the other hand I doubt if there are many who would want that involvement. The point is he is only there because of his celebrity status. I believe he put no money in to the Club. I suppose we could always get Russell Brand to take his place.

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    I find your responses odd too VOS. You seem to be happy to try to put a spanner in the works of the harmonious successful board because you don''t like Stephen fry? Who are these supporters who could bring more to the board and where were they in 1995 and 2009?

    The OP clearly doesn''t want to drink with me so I''ll buy you a drink instead at the agm. :)

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    [quote user="The Polar Bears Made Me Do It"]City1st - we both know you won''t be at the AGM .... So which way you would hypothetically vote us of no consequence.[/quote]

    little do you know !maybe we could have a drink

    so if you could wear some sort of card with your name on it - presuming it hasn''t changed by then, I will know who you areas to my voting intentions then I have already made those clear ... in this thread.... about a couple of posts up

    perhaps if you were not so busy in login in and out you might have noticed

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    This thread is typical pinkun!

    On one side those who want to get rid of Fry, but don''t know what he contributes

    On the other side those wanting to keep him, although they don''t know what he contributes.

    In both cases it doesn''t matter as any vote for or against will be won by the people with the most shares....I wonder who that is.[:D]

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    [quote user="The Butler"]

    This thread is typical pinkun!

    On one side those who want to get rid of Fry, but don''t know what he contributes

    On the other side those wanting to keep him, although they don''t know what he contributes.

    In both cases it doesn''t matter as any vote for or against will be won by the people with the most shares....I wonder who that is.[:D]


    It''s Delia Smith & Michael Wynn Jones.

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    [quote user="A Load of Squit"][quote user="The Butler"]

    This thread is typical pinkun!

    On one side those who want to get rid of Fry, but don''t know what he contributes

    On the other side those wanting to keep him, although they don''t know what he contributes.

    In both cases it doesn''t matter as any vote for or against will be won by the people with the most shares....I wonder who that is.[:D]


    It''s Delia Smith & Michael Wynn Jones.


    Well done Load of Squit, go to the front of the class and give out the pencils![;)]

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