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Overrated, over paid

The filthy oik from under the stone - let them eat

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If you want to flush out the great unwashed,the filth, the devoid of intellect, the common man then simply get a football club, get relegated and appoint an unpopular man as manager.

The majority of you on here are hideous, stupid, vile commoners with zero understanding of anything beyond operating a tv remote. Soulless, predicable, miserable crowd of cloned muppets marching into the abyss of predictability.

I for one hope NA cooking smashes it winning the league with a record points tally then resigns saying " fookin Norwich chav".

That is all.

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A bit early in the day to be that deranged OP, the sensible thing would''ve been to dilute your tipple with some water, stops you making an embarrassment of yourself you see.

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In fairness OP my opinion was similar until I tried to engage in discussion with said oiks. I then realised that they are mostly just children.

I still stand by the fact that 99.9% of anti Adams posts look like they were typed with elbows whilst coming down from a LSD high. Kind of like the Wolf of Wall Street after too many lemons.

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