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Fer & Toby on SSN

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SSN are claiming that Fer has other options on the table, and other offers have been received for Toby. Are the vultures starting to hover?? Here''s hoping those contracts are signed pdq!

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i''ll get in here and say it nicely before others come in and act like a part of the male anatomy.this is discussed on both threads of Fer and Toby. but not to worry, you weren''t to know. might just be an alright idea to check through them first in the future.

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I personally think SSN are making it up. No other solid offers.

Ajax and Twente were quick enough to let everybody know about our interest. If an other team has come in with a solid offer for either, why would they keep quiet about it?

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[quote user="Militant Canary"]I personally think SSN are making it up. No other solid offers.

Ajax and Twente were quick enough to let everybody know about our interest. If an other team has come in with a solid offer for either, why would they keep quiet about it?[/quote]don''t think it''s SSN, but more of the agents and representatives. as is to be expected.

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The way I see it.

If there wasn''t interest from anyone else for these 2. Then clearly nobody rates them only Norwich.

That would be quite concerning really

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