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Worthy Dancing

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Did anyone else see Nige at the Elton John concert? He looked pretty bored to start with but he soon got into it with some of the worst dancing ive ever seen It was like Alan Partridge with even less rhythm!

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No, fortunately i was spared that "pleasure". It would have been impossible for me to see Nigel''s dancing talents anyway, because i was standing outside enjoying a superb free concert along with 2 or 300 fellow tightwads. Obviously, the only thing missing was the visual side of things but the sound quality was still pretty good. I did slightly regret not buying a ticket and next time Carrow Rd hosts a concert featuring top talent I shall seriously consider going along to watch as well as listen. Best sight of the night for me was seeing 2 or 3 young couples dancing to Your Song on the Millennium Bridge.

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[quote]No, fortunately i was spared that "pleasure". It would have been impossible for me to see Nigel''s dancing talents anyway, because i was standing outside enjoying a superb free concert along with 2 or ...[/quote]

i think that they should do the darkness that would be good or bryan adams will get a ticket for sure,.......:@)

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