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Lambert's Contract

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Ok, so there has been lots of talk about player contracts over recent weeks, but what is the situation with our Sir Pauly?I believe i am right in saying he used to be on a 12 month rolling contract, but i also think i remember hearing something at some point that they signed him up to a longer term contract? does anyone know a bit more about this than me? Is Lambert out of contract at the end of the season, or has he signed up for a few years?I''m not asking because i am worried he will be leaving, but i am a little curious as to the situation (if he does ever leave, we are going to want to make as much money as possible from breach of contract or compensation). I think i''m right in saying Lambert has the same agent as Sven, in which case i imagine he drives a very hard bargain when it comes to contract negotiations

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From what I remember he was given an "improved" contract although it didn''t specify the length of it, so I assume he''s still on a one year rolling contract.

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[quote user="Gingerpele"]So he didn''t sign that 20 year contract he asked for?[/quote]Ha i remember that, i guess not!I remember them saying it was an improved contract but i think they said something about it no longer being a rolling contract either, i really don''t know though.

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Probably a clever idea for the club not to release full details of the length of the contract, stops too much scaremongering amongst fans about it running out.

I u

nderstood a rolling contract to mean it always had 12 months left on it, so ensuring we receive fair compensation if he left and Lambert a decent payout if the unimaginable happens and he was sacked?  Sounds good for both parties in our current position imo

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