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twitter, blogging and iphone apps!

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How many people use twitter on here? I''m @hogesar and thought it might be a nice idea to get a load of us on here to post their names, I remember us doing it a year or so ago but it really has grown since then!

Also considering producing an ncfc blogging mobile app, iPhone and android. Would have multiple blogs and news etc for you to read all ncfc related. Interested in hearing from those that would consider doing a bit of writing, but also if there''s much general interest in it!

Thanks in advance

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I would be interest in an app if you can find a way to monetize it.

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Intending to use very basic advertising strategy. Idea is to get blogs to cache themselves in local storage so you have reading material even when offline!

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@clementgraphics and setup lesser used @HoltsTash to try and protect business clients feeds from my Norwich hysteria every Saturday.

Interested in an app as a user and potentially a contributor of graphics.

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You''ll have to enlighten me SotonCanary.Been involved in plenty of website design and production before. This would be no similar. Basic RSS feeds, Twitter feeds - and of course our own blogs, not copied from elsewhere.Any images etc could obviously impose copyright issues but that''s not something i can''t deal with before release. What makes you think i might attract angry letters from newspapers?

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@andypiff - follow me!

No, please do follow me - in a bet with an 1p5wich fan on who can gain the most followers by the weekend and its neck and neck! The loser has to wear the other teams shirt to their teams next home game so please help me out fellow canaries!

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Can somebody explain Twitter to me, as I''ve never got around to it. Have I missed the boat? How do I "folllow" people? Etc etc

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