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To all the 'non' moaners!

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One or two on here have asked why all the ''moaning'' or the ''moaners''

I would bet these are the same people who say ''well I''m entitled to my opinion''

I''m very happy with how the season has gone so far as I''m sure many of you are, but there are certain issues which need to be discussed, and I for one have no problem with this message board being used as exactly that, a discussion board.

We cannot go into every game thinking, ''well its ok if we lose, because look how far we have come.'' look at everyone moaning. That is a very dangerous move, Do you think Blackpool fans did this last season when they were promoted? I doubt it.

I know not everyone will be happy on here but let''s at least try and get along, it''s going to be a long hard, difficult few months, but I''m still confident we will stay up. But please don''t forget if you are touchy about ''having your opinion'' then other''s are exactly the same.

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Well I suppose I''m staunchly in the "non moaner" camp , but like you I do believe we have the right to analyse a defeat or a bad performance and discuss amongst ourselves what Lambert may have done differently and what the best course of action maybe for future games.

  There are as you say "certain issues to be discussed" chief amongst these being various areas of the field (and bench) that need strengthening during the forthcoming transfer window.

Yes we''ve had a great 1st half of the season but lets not all just shrug our shoulders after each defeat as if we''re just happy to be here. Now that we are lets do our best to stay here and I would hope that the board gives Lambert the funds to strengthen the team in the areas that I hope he has correctly indentified?!?

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