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Mungo Bumpkin

Who is our new signing?????

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[quote user="Mungo Bumpkin"]I can''t find out and I''m going to be sick I''m so excited.[/quote]You should have taken out the Super Membership you get a personal phone call telling you of any news before it''s realeased to the Media.PS If you hadn''t been so excited you would of seen the numerous posts on the subject just after 5 o''clock, now do your zip up plz

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[quote user="The Young One"][quote user="Mungo Bumpkin"]I can''t find out and I''m going to be sick I''m so excited.[/quote]

You should have taken out the Super Membership you get a personal phone call telling you of any news before it''s realeased to the Media.

PS If you hadn''t been so excited you would of seen the numerous posts on the subject just after 5 o''clock, now do your zip up plz




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