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Green&Yellow Fan

to defensive

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reckon worthy plays too defensive because look at to formation he''s played , he only played 4-5-1 in the last month or so because we only have 1 1st team stiker, now we have 2 1st team striker why not play 4-4-2 with the same defence , and this midfield jonson , francis , ???? , and hucks with mckenzie and ashton playing up front, i feal sorry for ashton, cause he just come into the premiership, without a weeks training with the team undert his belt and pla\ing as a lone striker and we all know he''s only good with another striker with him, look at the start of the season we played 4-4-2 and we got drawns, and look at us now we play 4-5-1 and we can''t score and we''ve lost about six on a row and the start of the season was harder fixtures than now, i know we have had alot of injurys but look at are side now and from the sart of the season

start of season = green , edworthy , fleming , charlton , drury , jonson , holt , francis , bentley , svensson

now = green , edworthy , fleming , doherty , drury , jonson , francis , mulryne , brennan , hucks ,

we have a better defence now including charlton,midfield we could play 4-4-2 jonson , francis , mulryne , hucks that better  than the start of the season and forward mckenzie and ashton , why plays hucks upfront HES NOT A BLODDY STRIKER

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[quote]reckon worthy plays too defensive because look at to formation he''s played , he only played 4-5-1 in the last month or so because we only have 1 1st team stiker, now we have 2 1st team striker why not...[/quote]

Oh yes he is ! ..........  he`s much more of a striker  than Leon for a start .......  and has the goals to prove it   !!    whi Worthy keeps sticking him on the left  beats me ,  is it working ?   .... all we ever see him do is continially feed so called strikers only to see them waste chance after chance !  .........  no wonder  he gave up late in the second half   , read my lips , we are WASTING our best player  !!  move him right into the sharp end  alongside Ashton   ............  that duo has the making of  a REAL strike force  , what the flek have we to lose hmm 

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As i have posted elsewhere we do not currently have any alternative but to go 4-4-2 but as you point out sheded hux can not be on the left - he is a liability to our defence there and we blunt his attacking ability by restricting him to the flank.  However is he kept there as there is NO alternative to take his place bearing in mind Norwich Police have have a started a midget hunt as McVeigh has not been sighted for days???  Apparently if they dont see him by 5 tomorrow Worthsy patio is coming up....



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