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Standing at Football

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Everytime we play at home there is always a post started on the Stewards and Being told to sit down. Now i dont mind sitting or standing at a game makes no difference to me and the stewards telling ppl to sit is only because the law says ppl have to sit, so why doesnt one of these anti sitting fans start a petition and lobby the Government and FA who are the ones that can actually make a change to the Law. Im sure there would be enough suppoprt from around the country to get standing areas implemented into modern grounds should the Clubs choose to, it would give more revenue as you could get more ppl into those area to a certain extent and would also stop ppl whinging about having to sit at the game,

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There are a number of campaigns running at the moment if people want to get involved - look up the Football Supporters'' Federation ''Safe Standing'' campaign at http://www.fsf.org.uk/campaigns/safestanding.php

It was discussed in Parliament a few weeks ago (see Hansard report here http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201011/cmhansrd/cm101208/halltext/101208h0001.htm and scroll down to ''Football Grounds - regulation'') and the consensus was that while many of the MPs agreed, there was not enough of a ''compelling case'' - so the more people that join these campaigns, the better.

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