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would a premier league without Liverpool be good for a club like City?

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lets be honest Liverpool probably wont go down. Despite the fact they didn''t look anything like a premier league side today.Lets look at a situation perhaps where they did drop. Supposing we were to swap places with them, Liverpool with all their history and glory etc playing the likes of Doncaster Rovers and us at Stamford bridge.would the premier league lose some of its "glitz" if Liverpool were to go down.the likes of Blackpool make the league far more interesting and if were to go up, with whats already becoming a more compact division could we survive and establish ourselves without the likes of Liverpool to beat so called "lesser" teams and do us a favour?

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I read an article on BBC Sport site a few months ago, about the Brazilian top league....and the FA type thing there, prevented the big teams going down, with various rules, but eventually one of them went down, and the league got better (i think thats the jist of it :P)...

I think Liverpool going down will have little effect, other than that we can laugh at them lots....

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