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Name our central midfielders

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I can count 10, have I missed any?

Smith, Hughes, OTJ, Lappin, Russell, Fox, Crofts, Surman, Gill, Adeyemi

I know Russell is probably off, but maybe we should unload OTJ, Gill and send Adeyemi out on loan.

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[quote user="Hobozilla"]I can count 10, have I missed any?

Smith, Hughes, OTJ, Lappin, Russell, Fox, Crofts, Surmane, Gill, Ademyi

I know Russell is probably off, but maybe we should unload OTJ,Gill and send Adeymi out on loan.[/quote]*Surman* And *Adeyemi*.If it''s not Hoolahan or Spillane, i''m struggling to think of the other midfielder (having heard we have 11).... I''ll have a ''head in hands'' moment in a second.

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Sorry, that was some bad spelling!

I have no idea who the first choices will be, I know very little about Crofts and Fox.

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[quote user="Hobozilla"]Sorry, that was some bad spelling!

I have no idea who the first choices will be, I know very little about Crofts and Fox.[/quote]Crofts is a decent strong player, that tends to play in the holding role, though debatably not as ardently as Russell does. He''s capable of scoring a few goals a season, he''s energetic, charismatic as ''leader type'' figure, and adds a lot of pressure to the side. His weaknesses would be that he''s fairly small (but then again, so was Makélelé), and neither his touch, nor delivery of ball first class.As for Fox, i have a little less to say about him having only seen him a couple of times, but he''s ace with set pieces, and can, like Crofts gather a few goals a season. He''s also got good feet on the ball, and can spread the play efficiently, traditionally sitting on the left side of the diamond (should we proceed using that formation).His weaknesses would seem to stem from him being a little lightweight in the nitty-gritty side of the game, rarely going in for tackles, and can quite easily get pushed off the ball as a result of these attributes.

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I make it:

Adeyemi, Crofts, Dawkin, Fox, Gill, Hoolahan, Hughes, Lappin, McNamee, Russel, Smith, Surman, Tudur-Jones.

13 in all.

I will admit to having missed Dawkin, but he was the only one in the entire squad!

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[quote user="7rew"]I make it:

Adeyemi, Crofts, Dawkin, Fox, Gill, Hoolahan, Hughes, Lappin, McNamee, Russel, Smith, Surman, Tudur-Jones.

13 in all.

I will admit to having missed Dawkin, but he was the only one in the entire squad![/quote]Dawkin & McNamee are out & out wingers.

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