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[quote user="Woman in the Stands WITS"]well use it to sew on your lost button lol

Oops forgot, you''re a man and probably don''t know how to sew [;)]
[/quote]HEY.....sew???? come again???

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[quote user="Woman in the Stands WITS"]Vampires can be very sexy. Have you never seen Marc Warren''s Dracula - very erotic.

You guys see things differently to us lasses.

Totally OT from your OP but as it''s just you and me psoting, does it matter?
[/quote]lol no it doesnt...and if it did fook em lol...no i havnt seen MW,s Dracular....i have seen nearly every other Vamp film tho...i do like the Vampires. I have a Tattoo on the back of my neck from the first Blade movie...i think it was Decan Frosts Vamp clan

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[quote user="Woman in the Stands WITS"]Totally OT from your OP but as it''s just you and me psoting, does it matter?[/quote]It should matter to the OH, but the OF of the OM, who''s OE with the OS will probably see the OP not give an OZ of an OC if he''s OB.Nevertheles i shouldn''t think there''s anything to worry about WITS. [Y]

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