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Bruce Eats Walkers!

Season Review DVD avaliability 05/06 - 06/07 - 09/10

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Does anyone know if a Season Review DVD was released for 2005/2006 - The season after the premiership and 2006/2007 - The season Worthy was sacked? If they were releases any ideas where I can get hold of them?also does anyone know when this seasons DVD will be released.Thanks

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I would guess the club shop would be your best bet, either to buy or order.I''m pretty sure the shop at the ground has a lot of DVD''s on display.

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[quote user="Bruce Eats Walkers"]Yeah already tried, they''re the only ones i don''t have, at the time I thought why the hell would I want them but they are now a gap in the collection.[/quote]So they couldn''t even order them for you? I think they were pretty much only sold in the club shops, thats me out of ideas!

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i think they might be there

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The 09/10 one will be on sale at the Norfolk show, which is the traditional release date.

There was an 05/06 and an 06/07 version as NCFC have always issued videos/dvd since 88/89.

If the club shop have sold out then the only way to get them will be via ebay or boot sales etc. There is no way that NCFC will be able to do a repeat order as there would have only been a certain amount made eg 500 in a poor season and 2/3000 in a decent season.

PM me if you want any more information.

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