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array(); $return .= << $image ): $return .= <<url; $return .= << CONTENT; else: $return .= <<url; $return .= << CONTENT; endif; $return .= <<url; $return .= << CONTENT; else: $return .= <<
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    CONTENT; $return .= htmlspecialchars( $i, ENT_QUOTES | ENT_DISALLOWED, 'UTF-8', FALSE ); $return .= <<

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    this years christmas panto

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    are we having  one this year mr chops ?or has the absence of gunny ,roeder and donny left you a bit short of  material ?  last years was a classic [:D]

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    [quote user="pennywise "]are we having  one this year mr chops ?or has the absence of gunny ,roeder and donny left you a bit short of  material ?  last years was a classic [:D][/quote]


    Couldn''t you have added that to the existing thread?

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    [quote user="cityangel"]

    [quote user="pennywise "]are we having  one this year mr chops ?or has the absence of gunny ,roeder and donny left you a bit short of  material ?  last years was a classic [:D][/quote]


    Couldn''t you have added that to the existing thread?

    [/quote]Couldn''t you shutup

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    [quote user="Big Slob"][quote user="cityangel"]

    [quote user="pennywise "]are we having  one this year mr chops ?or has the absence of gunny ,roeder and donny left you a bit short of  material ?  last years was a classic [:D][/quote]


    Couldn''t you have added that to the existing thread?

    Couldn''t you shutup

    Why? Angel has a right to speak...............and she''s spot on.

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    [quote user="First Wizard"][quote user="Big Slob"][quote user="cityangel"]

    [quote user="pennywise "]are we having  one this year mr chops ?or has the absence of gunny ,roeder and donny left you a bit short of  material ?  last years was a classic [:D][/quote]


    Couldn''t you have added that to the existing thread?

    Couldn''t you shutup

    Why? Angel has a right to speak...............and she''s spot on.



    silly cartoon faces of smooch clip art

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    [quote user="Big Slob"][quote user="cityangel"]

    [quote user="pennywise "]are we having  one this year mr chops ?or has the absence of gunny ,roeder and donny left you a bit short of  material ?  last years was a classic [:D][/quote]


    Couldn''t you have added that to the existing thread?

    [/quote]Couldn''t you shutup[/quote]Jeesh man!!! [:|]I swear you''ve become a bit hasty these days.

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    [quote user="cityangel"]

    [quote user="pennywise "]if you can point me in the direction of such a thread i`ll  gladly add to it   [:D][/quote]


    My apologies pennywise [:D], I thought it was still on the front page but as its been so busy it had disappeared out of sight. Its here if you want a read of last years



    no worries CA  i do normally look back 2 years for a similar thread before posting but on this  occasion i let myself down  badly  [:$]

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