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Suggy NCFC

NCFC in the National Media - your help, please........

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City have always received shabby treatment at the hands of the National papers and TV/Radio, and historically it''s always been worse when we''ve been in the top flight.  And so far this season, little seems to have changed: in fact things are getting worse.

So a couple of us have launched a website with the aim of fighting back.


The general idea is that all instances of Professional Lazy Journalism which offend City fans should be recorded and all such offences totted up so that, come the end of the season, some kind of fitting trophy can be presented.

It''s not about pundits who say we''ll go straight back down again - because that''s just opinion.  It''s about people who are being paid to do a job, but who can''t be bothered to do it properly: reporters who misname our players; TV presenters who think Cookery Gags are a good idea for a lead-in to a piece on our proud club; and so on.

And hopefully it''ll also be a bit of a laugh..... as things stand, BBC TV holds a clear lead in the Organisation Table, while Mr Hickman from The Express holds a slender lead over Alan Hansen in the Individual League.  Whisper it quietly, but even The Pink ''Un has been nominated....

Please visit the site and remember where it is, and keep an eye on your favourite newspaper, and an ear on your chosen TV/Radio stations - and then, next time something you read or hear something which annoys you as a City fan, you can e-mail us by clicking the link on the site.

Thanks in advance

Roywallerslovechild and Suggy



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ah ha  you have found your way over to the premier footie msg board then?

i am currently trying to think of the supreme tossers when it comes to all things ncfc and though i refuse to read national papers (cheating looking at a few online) in my mind no one, just no one can match mr alan brazil


surely the biggest colin of all time 

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your gonna love this one, took me by surprise.

as from the daily mail (yes i read it at work unfortunately) today

"Cookery guru and Norwich director Delia Smith shamelessly used an interview on BBC''s Five Live yesterday to plug her club''s shirt sponsors McCain. According to Delia, McCain''s various frozen potatoe products - mash, oven chip or roast - are now an integral part of a player''s diet. However, the nutritional benefit of oven cooked chips for footballers has never featured in Delai''s cookery books or her TV programmes"

I could swear McCain doesnt feature anywhere on my shirt!!

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A classic from a few years back was something about footballers feigning injury. The picture they used to illustrate the article was Bellamy shortly after Mr Muscat had rearranged his kneecap.

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I heard that interview on 5live - it was pretty shameful actually. McCain sponsor our Academy (I think), and it really did leave me thinking why on earth Delia had gone on the show. She tried to say our team can eat low-fat oven chips, which "our sponsors McCain make" (she said this a lot) but there seemed little point to the interview other than that. Quite embarrassing. Never mind, we still love her.

Good idea about the website by the way...

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I''m afraid I was the one who shopped Niall Hickman in the Express!  I couldn''t believe his ignorance...and twice in one small piece! 

I think the tosserleague is a great idea and I expect to be finding plenty more contributions in the coming weeks and months.  Keep up the good work guys!

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At the risk of sounding like a Delia Disser, the biting wit on that tosser site is delicious.  Make these fools eat their words.  Good stuff, Roy''s B*stard et al.

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It''s a given that the national media are lazy, cliche-ridden, smug, spiteful, celeb-obsessed, and patronising. If they started being nice about us, it would only be setting us up ready to knock us down. So ignore ''em. And more importantly


Hit ''em where it really hurts!!!


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