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Tim Dawson

Gunns arrogance - What he should have done !!!!!

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I have just returned from my 544 mile round trip, still immensely cheesed off, but i think everyone has missed the point, at the point we went 0-3 down today Gunn who is an ex-goalkeeper should have been able to see what the rest of us could Theokilitus was having a mare, bereft of confidence and should have been replaced straight away, no messing about, instead he ran down waving his arms about like the fat controller, even at half time he should have hauled the lad off but no subjects us to our heaviest home defeat ever. Wake up Gunn and quickly, your legend status is wearing thin !!!!

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Quite agree, he should have been subbed in the 20th minute. Don''t know which scout was responsible for bringing him in but they should be sacked.

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