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Potential Investors rebuffed?

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There was an interesting snippet in todays Sunday Mail.

Allegedly potential investors are not being spoken to, but they are told to submit a written application.

The article alleges that DS, MWJ and even M Foulger consider themselves to be "A LIST" and not available to speak to investors.

The article points out that NCFC is no longer A list.

Cant believe all you read but given our owners past record, makes you think doesnt it?

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We have to face it that she isn''t going to go because the club isn''t worth anything in league 1 and so she will wait at the very least until we are promoted. Which potentially could take a while.

The only thing she will listen to is at least 10,000 fans chanting Delia Out. Unfortunately that isn''t going to happen until nearer the end of the season until all hope is lost. (Assuming we don''t rally and get prmoted)

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