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Dan The Man

Carling Cup prediction competition. NCFC mini-league: Norwich City, password: Canary

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I''ve just joined the Carling Cup Predictor Challenge!
See if you can correctly predict what the scores will be after 90 minutes (and any injury time).
Scoring System:
Correct Result - Home win / Away win / Draw - 2 points
Correct Score - 4 points
Joker Prediction - 5 point bonus
Choose two games as your Joker games and if you get the correct score for either of those games, 5 bonus points will be added to the 4 points you get for a correct score, giving you a total of 9 points for that game.
The mini-league i''ve set up is named: Norwich City
& the password is: Canary
The deadline to enter this round of the challenge is 3:00 PM on Monday August 10, 2009

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