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    If Doc is in the team - I WILL NOT TURN UP AND WATCH AGAIN

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    As simple as the title says - I''m sick sick sick of him. The club and fans have been making excuses for him for years. I will never watch again or spend any money on the club until he goes. This could have been written at any time over the past two seasons but I''ve always held back - no more.My season ended when I walked out after 40 minutes.

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    Some people actually vote for this clown as player of the season. What matches they watch is beyond me!While applauding each players name at the start of a match while the team sheet is read out over the tannoy. Me and my mate have stopped clapping and made our point as his name is announced for 3 or more years now.He is an absolute clown!

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    Askew has to take his place for the rest of the season, kick this donkey out as an exaple to the rest of these F#cking Morons

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    What about Otsemobor? Started the rot with that excuse for a pass back. Same old crap from last season.

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    By half time he had given away the most free kicks, he fouls all the bloody time! total lack of pace and vision, never see''s the pass or through balls like a solid Defender should. Especially the Bloody captain!!!

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    The most worrying thing i agree was his lack of pace. They literally jogged round him. It was an embarrasement.

    I just bought 2 new shirts today and generally spent a fortune. I too won''t go again and spend any further until Doc isn''t captain and isn''t guaranteed his starting berth.

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    Poor performance from the Doc today.

    But I know he''s a much better defender than that and I expect him to show that over the season, just like he has done last 2 or 3 years.

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    [quote user="GJP"]

    But I know he''s a much better defender than that and I expect him to show that over the season, just like he has done last 2 or 3 years.

    [/quote]Look man.........it''s been a bad day.......Crack isn''t the answer.

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    [quote user="Scottlarock"][quote user="GJP"]

    But I know he''s a much better defender than that and I expect him to show that over the season, just like he has done last 2 or 3 years.


    Look man.........it''s been a bad day.......Crack isn''t the answer.



    Nah, I won''t say he''s had a good game when he hasn''t. Some people can only see good performances from some players, and with other players they can only see bad performances. I try to see both sides and I know today wasn''t a good one for the Doc.

    But I know he''s a good defender. I don''t get it wrong with many players and I''m not getting it wrong with him.

    I think Nelson will probably turn out ok as well.


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    I''m glad I''ve found this thread. I was beginning to think I was the only one who thought Doc was even worse than normal.

    Other threads (and Canary Call) have rightly had a go at other players but no one it seems has mentioned Muffin.

    This bloke is supposed to be captain ffs. Gunn is supposed to be the manager ffs

    After 55 years, I''m not sure i can put up with this much longer.

    We have hotel booked for Exeter next week but after that I may well have to call it a day!!

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    So todays debacle was all the Docs fault and no one elses?


    What a load of sh*te!


    I couldn''t agree more that the Doc had a poor game but he was no worse than Nelson, Otsemobor (whose rubbish back pass led to the 1st ColU goal) and in fact the majority of the others!


    Whether people admit it or not the Doc has been one of our best players in recent seasons!


    Today was a combination of poor individual mistakes, everything ColU done coming off and Norwich completely losing the plot after 3-4-0 going down!


    I trust that things will get better!

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    [quote user="grantroederdisaster"]

    So todays debacle was all the Docs fault and no one elses?


    What a load of sh*te!


    I couldn''t agree more that the Doc had a poor game but he was no worse than Nelson, Otsemobor (whose rubbish back pass led to the 1st ColU goal) and in fact the majority of the others!


    Whether people admit it or not the Doc has been one of our best players in recent seasons!


    Today was a combination of poor individual mistakes, everything ColU done coming off and Norwich completely losing the plot after 3-4-0 going down!


    I trust that things will get better!

    [/quote]didn''t say that he was the reason we lost - it''s just that he''s the trigger for me today. He is inextricably linked with our demise. However can you really believe ANY striker in the top three leagues would be, or remotely worried about playing against him.........honest answer please?

    I trust things will get better too - I''ve had that trust for YEARS.

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    [quote user="GJP"][quote user="Scottlarock"][quote user="GJP"]

    But I know he''s a much better defender than that and I expect him to show that over the season, just like he has done last 2 or 3 years.

    [/quote]Look man.........it''s been a bad day.......Crack isn''t the answer.



    Nah, I won''t say he''s had a good game when he hasn''t. Some people can only see good performances from some players, and with other players they can only see bad performances. I try to see both sides and I know today wasn''t a good one for the Doc.

    But I know he''s a good defender. I don''t get it wrong with many players and I''m not getting it wrong with him.

    I think Nelson will probably turn out ok as well.



    I''m inclined to ask if you''re a friend of Glenn Roeder, I won''t though. You know he''s a good defender and you don''t get it wrong with many players and you''re not wrong about him...................................you must be his agent. Could you tell me please how many games he''s played for us and how many more games he has to play to convince me that he is good and you are correct.

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    Sorry but as much as I am not going to defend him today and as much as he should never ever be captain he has been one of our best players for the last couple of years and has generally been quite solid and steady.

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    Have just seen the goals again on TV - key parts in defending highlighted - key problem in red.

    1. Ots and Theo blame - suicidal back pass by he who I can no longer name
    2. Nelson with a poor challenge as Lisbie set free, Doc too easily turn as Lisbie puts in a tame shot Theo makes a pigs ear fo the shot and spoon feeds platt
    3. Throw in, Doc beaten by Platt, Nelson beaten in air by Lisbie, Theo rooted to the spot.
    4. Poor challenge conceeds free kick by Nelson but Theo in a shocking position for a centrally struck free kick that was completely savable.
    5. Poor challenge by OTJ saw a cross reach far post as Theo watched ball cross his 6 yard box.
    6. V weak challenge by Nelson, he who I can no longer name watches as Perkins sweetly volleys in the lay off.
    7. Drury and Nelson back off without effort as player watlzes through unchallenged while Theo madly decides to rush from line despite Doc covering and he who I can no longer name watches Vernon come in to score  

    Keeper error involved in 6 goals (directly for 4 imo),  centre back contribution to 6 (1),  Full backs 3 (1).

    It was poor all the way around 

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    [quote user="grantroederdisaster"]

    So todays debacle was all the Docs fault and no one elses?


    What a load of sh*te!


    I couldn''t agree more that the Doc had a poor game but he was no worse than Nelson, Otsemobor (whose rubbish back pass led to the 1st ColU goal) and in fact the majority of the others!


    Whether people admit it or not the Doc has been one of our best players in recent seasons!


    Today was a combination of poor individual mistakes, everything ColU done coming off and Norwich completely losing the plot after 3-4-0 going down!


    I trust that things will get better!


    i agree,but add Gunn to your name!

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    [quote user="Graham Humphrey"]Sorry but as much as I am not going to defend him today and as much as he should never ever be captain he has been one of our best players for the last couple of years and has generally been quite solid and steady.[/quote]Quite solid and steady - captain material huh?Last couple of years?  -  complete disaster and our lowest league in 50 years.

    As a defender he is a joke - I''d be less nervous if he was a striker (seriously)

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    [quote user="Scottlarock"]captain material huh?[/quote]Er, no? Didn''t I say that already?Ah well any excuse to have a bash at the Doc (albeit totally justified on today''s ''performance'').

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    [quote user="Scottlarock"][quote user="GJP"][quote user="Scottlarock"][quote user="GJP"]

    But I know he''s a much better defender than that and I expect him to show that over the season, just like he has done last 2 or 3 years.


    Look man.........it''s been a bad day.......Crack isn''t the answer.



    Nah, I won''t say he''s had a good game when he hasn''t. Some people can only see good performances from some players, and with other players they can only see bad performances. I try to see both sides and I know today wasn''t a good one for the Doc.

    But I know he''s a good defender. I don''t get it wrong with many players and I''m not getting it wrong with him.

    I think Nelson will probably turn out ok as well.



    I''m inclined to ask if you''re a friend of Glenn Roeder, I won''t though.

    You know he''s a good defender and you don''t get it wrong with many players and you''re not wrong about him...................................you must be his agent. Could you tell me please how many games he''s played for us and how many more games he has to play to convince me that he is good and you are correct.


    Hardly, I haven''t got a good word to say about Glenn Roeder.

    I know what the Doc is good at and likewise I know where his weaknesses are. For example, his biggest weakness is, although he''s reasonably quick across the turf, he''s slow on the turn. He''s also not a particularly great at heading the ball. He wins a lot in the air, which is good, but power and direction is sometimes a bit lacking.

    But on the other side of it, he reads the game well and comes to meet the ball. It''s rare that he''s caught out positionally. He plays nice sensible passes to keep the ball when he''s got the time and if he''s under pressure he gets rid. Good sensible defending. He also times his tackles well. And for a bonus, he''s committed to the cause. That''s something that can''t be underestimated in any player but often is.

    The thing is today though that we played against Kevin Lisbie who has the pace to cause real problems. A lot of Norwich fans seem to think Lisbie is rubbish but unfortunately for us he really isn''t. Doesn''t matter who we''d have played at the back today Doherty, Nelson, Stefanovic, Askou or Spillane they''d have all been left in a muddle by Lisbie.

    At the end of the day we''re not Man Utd and we haven''t got Rio Ferdinand. If people think we''re going to get a better defender than the Doc in this league or the one above then they''ve got another thing coming.

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    Is it mere conincidence the 1st 3 letters of his name spell Homer Simpson''s annoyed grunt he makes when something goes comically wrong?  D''OH!erty.

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    [quote user="Graham Humphrey"][quote user="Scottlarock"]captain material huh?[/quote]

    Ah well any excuse to have a bash at the Doc (albeit totally justified on today''s ''performance'').

    Pretty much. When it comes to the Doc, for whatever reason (or no reason) there are always some people who are desperate to get on his case. Like I''ve said before...if he wore a Malky mask then nobody would have a problem with the way he defended.

    At least there are some of us, like you and me, who know he had a bad game today but know he has done much better than that for us in the past and will do much better in the future.


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    [quote user="Graham Humphrey"][quote user="Scottlarock"]captain material huh?[/quote]Er, no? Didn''t I say that already?Ah well any excuse to have a bash at the Doc (albeit totally justified on today''s ''performance'').[/quote]apologies Graham, you did sir.

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    [quote user="GJP"]

    [quote user="Graham Humphrey"][quote user="Scottlarock"]captain material huh?[/quote]

    Ah well any excuse to have a bash at the Doc (albeit totally justified on today''s ''performance'').[/quote]

    Pretty much. When it comes to the Doc, for whatever reason (or no reason) there are always some people who are desperate to get on his case. Like I''ve said before...if he wore a Malky mask then nobody would have a problem with the way he defended.

    At least there are some of us, like you and me, who know he had a bad game today but know he has done much better than that for us in the past and will do much better in the future.


    [/quote]Reason is that he''s rubbish.The day he first signed I was worried.Please tell me 3 occasions when he has done much better in the past for us................please articulate it for me as I''m obviously stupid.

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    [quote user="Scottlarock"][quote user="GJP"]

    [quote user="Graham Humphrey"][quote user="Scottlarock"]captain material huh?[/quote]

    Ah well any excuse to have a bash at the Doc (albeit totally justified on today''s ''performance'').

    Pretty much. When it comes to the Doc, for whatever reason (or no reason) there are always some people who are desperate to get on his case. Like I''ve said before...if he wore a Malky mask then nobody would have a problem with the way he defended.

    At least there are some of us, like you and me, who know he had a bad game today but know he has done much better than that for us in the past and will do much better in the future.


    Reason is that he''s rubbish.

    The day he first signed I was worried.

    Please tell me 3 occasions when he has done much better in the past for us................please articulate it for me as I''m obviously stupid.


    Pick any 3 games he played last season and you''d probably find he turned in a good performance. Assuming you watched with an open mind and not just the mindset "I think Doc is rubbish and I can''t wait to find faults with his performance."

    Anyway, this one isn''t going anywhere. You don''t rate him and I do. Just one of those things.

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    [quote user="GJP"][quote user="Scottlarock"][quote user="GJP"]

    [quote user="Graham Humphrey"][quote user="Scottlarock"]captain material huh?[/quote]

    Ah well any excuse to have a bash at the Doc (albeit totally justified on today''s ''performance'').[/quote]

    Pretty much. When it comes to the Doc, for whatever reason (or no reason) there are always some people who are desperate to get on his case. Like I''ve said before...if he wore a Malky mask then nobody would have a problem with the way he defended.

    At least there are some of us, like you and me, who know he had a bad game today but know he has done much better than that for us in the past and will do much better in the future.

    [/quote]Reason is that he''s rubbish.The day he first signed I was worried.Please tell me 3 occasions when he has done much better in the past for us................please articulate it for me as I''m obviously stupid.


    Pick any 3 games he played last season and you''d probably find he turned in a good performance. Assuming you watched with an open mind and not just the mindset "I think Doc is rubbish and I can''t wait to find faults with his performance."

    Anyway, this one isn''t going anywhere. You don''t rate him and I do. Just one of those things.

    [/quote]You''re right , it''s going nowhere.However I don''t have that mind set ''I think Doc is rubbish'' (granted, I do today) as I have never even mentioned his name on any previous post......................before today. I always hoped - until he dropped down to league one, became captain...................................and did nothing.

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