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    As my login causes problems [ :o) ]

    No arguing the whys and wherefores but how many rebates do you think will be claimed?

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    Can we trust the club to give the correct figure out , big loss of face for them if the figure is high .We will probably never know the truth but i would guess at around 65% -75% will be  claiming it back .

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    Originally I thought it would be pretty high, above 60%, I couldn''t see the ST holders being happy to pat Championship prices for League 1 football. I think Foulger''s offer will have swayed a lot of people though, so only about 40% now.

    I hope they tell us, would be interesting to know. Even though the arguments over taking or leaving rebates would be started again...

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    [quote user="Loan City Fc "]Can we trust the club to give the correct figure out , big loss of face for them if the figure is high .We will probably never know the truth but i would guess at around 65% -75% will be  claiming it back .[/quote]I think you''re mistaking the attitudes displayed on this board as being representative of the broad mass of opinion of season ticket holders. I don''t think more than 30% will claim back the rebate. I could be wrong, of course, but I''d be surprised.

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    Out of my group of friends only 2 have not claimed (out of about 20) and out of my work mates its a similar number so looking at those figures I reckon it could be as high as 80% who claim.

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    [quote user="Loan City Fc "]Can we trust the club to give the correct figure out , big loss of face for them if the figure is high .We will probably never know the truth but i would guess at around 65% -75% will be  claiming it back .

    Well.. I''m going away for 2 weeks tomorrow so I just returned mine today. I reconsidered my opinion since St Andrews and receiving the letter from the club. But in the end I didn''t change my mind. I am claiming my money back because it was the agreement when I renewed but not to punish the club or any other ridiculous reason. If the price I paid had been the only price I would still have renewed, but it wasn''t. The price I agreed to was dependent on divisional status.

    But Loan my friend, if the club publish a figure I''m sure we can trust them to give the correct one. Do you believe they falsify the figures they produce for us?


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    Oh, and to answer the question I expect to be in the minority and that over half will leave their money with the club.


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    Depends how they count them. Amongst the 18,000 odd are a large number of families, so presumably one person will be applying on their behalf and we are not talking a lot of money when it comes to under 12s are we?

    So if we count all families as one ST holder I would say around 70% will claim the rebate. If it''s higher than that the board will have to come out and make some sort of statement and clarify their plans for next season and confirm WHO is going to be appointed to the board and also clarify WHO actually has left.

    And to Nutty, no, sadly I don''t believe much they say anymore. All trust in the board has gone.

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    I just hope, whatever the final figure, neither the "pro rebates" or "anti rebates "come out claiming it as some sort of victory or success.

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    I guess around 60% but would be higher if many fans who want to claim weren''t too lazy to do it or forget to send the form off.

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    [quote user="GMF"]I just hope, whatever the final figure, neither the "pro rebates" or "anti rebates "come out claiming it as some sort of victory or success.[/quote]

    "Yay....... we supported depriving the club of money to send a message" 

    "That showed them, victory is ours!"

    "What did we win?"

    "oh...... a smaller playing budget"

    "Did we achieve anything else?"

    "errrrr no........... not that I can think of."




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    [quote user="USAcanary"]

    [quote user="GMF"]I just hope, whatever the final figure, neither the "pro rebates" or "anti rebates "come out claiming it as some sort of victory or success.[/quote]

    "Yay....... we supported depriving the club of money to send a message" 

    "That showed them, victory is ours!"

    "What did we win?"

    "oh...... a smaller playing budget"

    "Did we achieve anything else?"

    "errrrr no........... not that I can think of."




    [/quote] Send the club a nice big cheque if its worrying you that much , oh ......thought not .

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    [quote user="USAcanary"]

    [quote user="GMF"]I just hope, whatever the final figure, neither the "pro rebates" or "anti rebates "come out claiming it as some sort of victory or success.[/quote]

    "Yay....... we supported depriving the club of money to send a message" 

    "That showed them, victory is ours!"

    "What did we win?"

    "oh...... a smaller playing budget"

    "Did we achieve anything else?"

    "errrrr no........... not that I can think of."



     "There, there, there".......

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    Those who attack the messenger because the message is uncomfortable are in fact making an understandable, though primitive, response. The mosquito stings so you slap the mosquito, the apple is sour so you fling it into the bushes, someone reeks of body odor while attempting to kiss you and you give them a shove. Push it away, the child’s first response to something offending, with no further thought about repercussions. Adults, in human society, are supposed to be logical, entertain facts, digest, discuss, and conclude. They most often do none of this, but simply react, as a child, to the offending substance of message, rejecting it. These are not leaders of men, as this type of reaction makes them scarcely suitable for any life but swinging from trees, but as Internet access is granted to anyone, they write email and post their simplistic reactions on message board.Go away, you’re crazy, I don’t want to hear it”, they cry, and when the shift occurrs will be found huddled in some corner making these demands still.


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    [quote user="USAcanary"]


    Those who attack the messenger because the message is uncomfortable are in fact making an understandable, though primitive, response. The mosquito stings so you slap the mosquito, the apple is sour so you fling it into the bushes, someone reeks of body odor while attempting to kiss you and you give them a shove. Push it away, the child’s first response to something offending, with no further thought about repercussions. Adults, in human society, are supposed to be logical, entertain facts, digest, discuss, and conclude. They most often do none of this, but simply react, as a child, to the offending substance of message, rejecting it. These are not leaders of men, as this type of reaction makes them scarcely suitable for any life but swinging from trees, but as Internet access is granted to anyone, they write email and post their simplistic reactions on message board.Go away, you’re crazy, I don’t want to hear it”, they cry, and when the shift occurrs will be found huddled in some corner making these demands still.



    Aren''t you uncomfortable, concerning the NCISA and their ''suggestions'' pertaining to the rebates?.....You''ve locked your jaws onto the subject - and you just won''t let it go......Well, you can ''SCWEAM AND SCWEAM'' till you''re sick.....But, you''re actually no better than the individuals you direct the above statement to.....Now, may I suggest that you change your shirt and invest in some strong deodorant? Sorry chum, but some one''s got to tell you....

    Please, do carry on.....[:|]....after a good shower, that is.

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    I reckon quite a lot, mostly because people want some money, i have sent the letter back (oh how long until they actually send out the cheques?) partley to see if they will give me the money when my Grandad paid (seems really silly), and also i wouldn''t mind having an extra £46 :D my Grandad did the opposite, said he didn''t want it, because he has spent the money, so he sees it as gone already, and thinks they shouldn''t have offered it

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    [quote user="Mello Yello"][quote user="USAcanary"]


    Those who attack the messenger because the message is uncomfortable are in fact making an understandable, though primitive, response. The mosquito stings so you slap the mosquito, the apple is sour so you fling it into the bushes, someone reeks of body odor while attempting to kiss you and you give them a shove. Push it away, the child’s first response to something offending, with no further thought about repercussions. Adults, in human society, are supposed to be logical, entertain facts, digest, discuss, and conclude. They most often do none of this, but simply react, as a child, to the offending substance of message, rejecting it. These are not leaders of men, as this type of reaction makes them scarcely suitable for any life but swinging from trees, but as Internet access is granted to anyone, they write email and post their simplistic reactions on message board.Go away, you’re crazy, I don’t want to hear it”, they cry, and when the shift occurrs will be found huddled in some corner making these demands still.



    Aren''t you uncomfortable, concerning the NCISA and their ''suggestions'' pertaining to the rebates?.....You''ve locked your jaws onto the subject - and you just won''t let it go......Well, you can ''SCWEAM AND SCWEAM'' till you''re sick.....But, you''re actually no better than the individuals you direct the above statement to.....Now, may I suggest that you change your shirt and invest in some strong deodorant? Sorry chum, but some one''s got to tell you....

    Please, do carry on.....[:|]....after a good shower, that is.


    I attack ideas not people.......its called reasonable debate.

    Feel free to tell us all why you think NCISA backing the collecting of the rebate is a good idea and how it will help us get promoted?............ or will you just post another stupid picture with a dumb personal comment.

    I am guessing the latter.....


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    [quote user="USAcanary"][quote user="Mello Yello"][quote user="USAcanary"]


    Those who attack the messenger because the message is uncomfortable are in fact making an understandable, though primitive, response. The mosquito stings so you slap the mosquito, the apple is sour so you fling it into the bushes, someone reeks of body odor while attempting to kiss you and you give them a shove. Push it away, the child’s first response to something offending, with no further thought about repercussions. Adults, in human society, are supposed to be logical, entertain facts, digest, discuss, and conclude. They most often do none of this, but simply react, as a child, to the offending substance of message, rejecting it. These are not leaders of men, as this type of reaction makes them scarcely suitable for any life but swinging from trees, but as Internet access is granted to anyone, they write email and post their simplistic reactions on message board.Go away, you’re crazy, I don’t want to hear it”, they cry, and when the shift occurrs will be found huddled in some corner making these demands still.



    Aren''t you uncomfortable, concerning the NCISA and their ''suggestions'' pertaining to the rebates?.....You''ve locked your jaws onto the subject - and you just won''t let it go......Well, you can ''SCWEAM AND SCWEAM'' till you''re sick.....But, you''re actually no better than the individuals you direct the above statement to.....Now, may I suggest that you change your shirt and invest in some strong deodorant? Sorry chum, but some one''s got to tell you....

    Please, do carry on.....[:|]....after a good shower, that is.


    I attack ideas not people.......its called reasonable debate.

    Feel free to tell us all why you think NCISA backing the collecting of the rebate is a good idea and how it will help us get promoted?............ or will you just post another stupid picture with a dumb personal comment.

    I am guessing the latter.....



    What ever is the point of replying to you posts. You do not bother to read the answers or if you do ignore those statements that do not correspond with you already formed ideas.

    It is not resonable debate its a war of attrition.

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    [quote user="The Butler"][quote user="USAcanary"][quote user="Mello Yello"][quote user="USAcanary"]


    Those who attack the messenger because the message is uncomfortable are in fact making an understandable, though primitive, response. The mosquito stings so you slap the mosquito, the apple is sour so you fling it into the bushes, someone reeks of body odor while attempting to kiss you and you give them a shove. Push it away, the child’s first response to something offending, with no further thought about repercussions. Adults, in human society, are supposed to be logical, entertain facts, digest, discuss, and conclude. They most often do none of this, but simply react, as a child, to the offending substance of message, rejecting it. These are not leaders of men, as this type of reaction makes them scarcely suitable for any life but swinging from trees, but as Internet access is granted to anyone, they write email and post their simplistic reactions on message board.Go away, you’re crazy, I don’t want to hear it”, they cry, and when the shift occurrs will be found huddled in some corner making these demands still.



    Aren''t you uncomfortable, concerning the NCISA and their ''suggestions'' pertaining to the rebates?.....You''ve locked your jaws onto the subject - and you just won''t let it go......Well, you can ''SCWEAM AND SCWEAM'' till you''re sick.....But, you''re actually no better than the individuals you direct the above statement to.....Now, may I suggest that you change your shirt and invest in some strong deodorant? Sorry chum, but some one''s got to tell you....

    Please, do carry on.....[:|]....after a good shower, that is.


    I attack ideas not people.......its called reasonable debate.

    Feel free to tell us all why you think NCISA backing the collecting of the rebate is a good idea and how it will help us get promoted?............ or will you just post another stupid picture with a dumb personal comment.

    I am guessing the latter.....



    What ever is the point of replying to you posts. You do not bother to read the answers or if you do ignore those statements that do not correspond with you already formed ideas.

    It is not resonable debate its a war of attrition.


    Another personal attack while not answering the vital questions realting to the future of NCFC.

    How about you stop talking about me. And debate the issues.......

    Tell us what backing the collecting of the rebate is going to achieve? And how is that going to help Norwich get promoted?

    These are the important issues not me.


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    [quote user="USAcanary"]Tell us what backing the collecting of the rebate is going to achieve?[/quote]More money for supporters to spend on other things?

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    [quote user="Graham Humphrey"][quote user="USAcanary"]Tell us what backing the collecting of the rebate is going to achieve?[/quote]
    More money for supporters to spend on other things?

    And I don''t disagree with that......... It should be the personal choice of season ticket holder if they claim their rebate or not.

    As supporters NCFC, regardless of personal disagrements, what is our ultimate goal?

    Surely we want to be playing in the championship and back in the Prem eventually.

    I think money gives us the best chance of 1st time promotion.

    I also hold out hope that new board members/investors will improve the quality of the board leading to them making better decisions for the club/fans as a whole.



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    [quote user="USAcanary"][quote user="The Butler"][quote user="USAcanary"][quote user="Mello Yello"][quote user="USAcanary"]


    Those who attack the messenger because the message is uncomfortable are in fact making an understandable, though primitive, response. The mosquito stings so you slap the mosquito, the apple is sour so you fling it into the bushes, someone reeks of body odor while attempting to kiss you and you give them a shove. Push it away, the child’s first response to something offending, with no further thought about repercussions. Adults, in human society, are supposed to be logical, entertain facts, digest, discuss, and conclude. They most often do none of this, but simply react, as a child, to the offending substance of message, rejecting it. These are not leaders of men, as this type of reaction makes them scarcely suitable for any life but swinging from trees, but as Internet access is granted to anyone, they write email and post their simplistic reactions on message board.Go away, you’re crazy, I don’t want to hear it”, they cry, and when the shift occurrs will be found huddled in some corner making these demands still.



    Aren''t you uncomfortable, concerning the NCISA and their ''suggestions'' pertaining to the rebates?.....You''ve locked your jaws onto the subject - and you just won''t let it go......Well, you can ''SCWEAM AND SCWEAM'' till you''re sick.....But, you''re actually no better than the individuals you direct the above statement to.....Now, may I suggest that you change your shirt and invest in some strong deodorant? Sorry chum, but some one''s got to tell you....

    Please, do carry on.....[:|]....after a good shower, that is.


    I attack ideas not people.......its called reasonable debate.

    Feel free to tell us all why you think NCISA backing the collecting of the rebate is a good idea and how it will help us get promoted?............ or will you just post another stupid picture with a dumb personal comment.

    I am guessing the latter.....



    What ever is the point of replying to you posts. You do not bother to read the answers or if you do ignore those statements that do not correspond with you already formed ideas.

    It is not resonable debate its a war of attrition.


    Another personal attack while not answering the vital questions realting to the future of NCFC.

    How about you stop talking about me. And debate the issues.......

    Tell us what backing the collecting of the rebate is going to achieve? And how is that going to help Norwich get promoted?

    These are the important issues not me.



    One last try.

    At present we have two/three board members who have performed badly for the last ... years.

    They are majority shareholders and can do,they think, whatever they like with OUR club.

    The only language they seem to understand is monetory.

    Therefore the only pressure that can be brought to bear by the fans is a monetory one.

    When the club asked for renewal of season tickets early , as usual, they promised those who payed over their hard earnt cash, that should the unthinkable happen and we got relegated then, they the board, would refund the difference in ticket cost, between Championship and first division football.

    When relegation happened, as most of us hardy fans who attend matches, saw coming, the club realised that they had again opened their mouths without due thought.

    Now we are faced with a dilema that the club has created. Do we show our displeasure at the way the club and fans have been treated, in the only way possible , that is by taking the promised rebate. OR bailing them out,once again, buy allowing them to get away with another broken promise.

    As has been said to you many times, that choice is an individual one, NCISA recommended taking the money, as that is what the vote asked them to do.

    Still it is down to the persons own choice.

    By taking what is their due the fans are only abiding by the clubs own agreement, leaving the money in MAY/may not help with player purchase. As no one knows what that player budget is, we can only guess as to if it will happen.

    Too many promises in the past have been broken and bad decisions made by the current board to instil confidence in either their words or deeds.

    So taking the money in the short term will not help, but in the long term, if it makes the board take notice, then the long term gain will be well worth while.

    Now, no personal attacks, no insults. Just facts.

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