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Evil Monkey

The Dodgy Rumours Thread

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Yep, there''s so many of them about I thought that it would save time and space if everyone just posted their dodgy rumours under here instead of cluttering up the boards... Here''s a sample of the collection of rumours so far:
  • Carl Moore helped finance the departure of Glenn Roeder (SWIW)
  • Alternatively, Peter Cullum is on his way onto the board via new shares.  The deal for a manager has been done and will be announced this morning. (city til i die)
  • However, it could be that the deal has reached a sticking point as the manager wants a long-term but our board are only offering short-term (wackojacko)
  • Others suggest we want Nigel Worthington back on a interim dual basis with NI (Daily Mail, via Flipside)
  • Ian Holloway is the man however, as he is having an interview today (wrightycool)
All of the above, with the exception of the Worthington tabloid-based rumour, have been reported as ''fact'' from those in the know, or the horse''s mouth, etc.Now, for your reading pleasure, goes the award for best wind-up so far:
  • Aidy Boothroyd to be Announced Tomorrow (renegade tootsie) [:)]
So, can you do better? Post your rumours here....

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[quote user="National express super guard "]after seeing my track record on football manager, Neil Doncaster has offered me the job.
I also like my cousins rumour today (matt), hucks is caretaker player manager

And what a rumour it is! Hucks will be approached for just Saturday but will probably say no.

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[quote user="National express super guard "]Lee Richardson is interested in applying, although I have heard this from the in laws up in chesterfield!!!!

I had a phone call from a friend of mine who has a Villa Next to mine in Cyprus, and he tells me the Cyprus news papers are saying Mike Walker is set to return and Delia and Co have sold up thier shares. don''t news travel fast,

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Top Rumour is

Richard Branson has struck up a deal with Aviva, and will be our new Owner, we will then become known as the Virgin Flyers. 

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[quote user="pete_norw"]

Top Rumour is

Richard Branson has struck up a deal with Aviva, and will be our new Owner, we will then become known as the Virgin Flyers. 

[/quote]To be fair, he''d probably improve our half-time entertainment with a better cheerleading squad... [:)]

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This is 100% true from a rubbish source, he can cook and Delia is a chef so must be true

Delia fancies a crack at managing the team to save a bit of cash, she will be in charge for the Barnsley game and pretend she isn''t and will stay top dog [:)] until the new manager comes in which could be the end of the season or never if she does well.

100% fact

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