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Unhinged Canary

Sweden Tour?

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Morning all! Does anyone know if the two new guys went to Sweden with the rest of the squad, and the deals were just announced later? Or would they not have been available until the Football League has ''Rubber-Stamped'' the deals? Thanks in advance![:)]

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As far as we know from the various reports on the signings, the football league haven''t yet verified the deals and they can''t travel out yet. It''s possible as you say that the deal was completed two days ago when the report that he was on the verge of signing was announced.

I guess we will find out tonight, my hunch is that the signing report was released a while after the actual signing took place and the football league wrapped things up already, lets hope so anyway!

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Yeah I wonder whether the club simply held the announcement until the paperwork was all sorted and the pair have travelled in the meantime... makes you wonder about Bell though, doesn''t it? He had his medical two days ago and no word? Did he fail it? Did he sign and they''re just waiting again for paperwork? Did he travel? Who knows...

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According to the main story on this site he "is now expected to join the City squad on their tour of Sweden" along with the other guy Omozusi.


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diverting away from stefo and ozi a little bit...NELSON, i wasn''t at the gorleston game the other night due to work but i have seen him playing for brentford annd whilat not being the tallest, i think he is a good agile keeper who would provide good back up. this of course is as long as he is as good as he used to be...

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