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Eddie Shoestring

Does Fist Wizard still post on here?. Interesting thread started by him in October......

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Will try again as got the original posters name wrong in title of my first attempt

On 1st October 2007 Fist Wizard started this thread


Halfway down page 3 he posted this (all text in red)

Ok I am going to come clean and say (most) of what I have heard.  If this is true (and has been verified by three sources now, all unrelated and all who have had first hand contact with the major players in this) then things are going to change very soon.

Been doing some digging with my sources and basically:

1. Peter Cullum wants to invest in the club, and soon - as in now

2. The Turners bought Skippers shares to get into the club via a Trojan horse on Cullums behalf.

3.  The Turners are already changing the set-up to get their team in place.

4. The Turners dont have the cash but Cullum does.

5. They are preparing a £40 million takeover package

6.  Delia has hoovered up the shares to ensure maximum cash on buy-out - they are on the way out

7. A huge sum of money will be made available for players


If I''m wrong I''m wrong, but the sources are pretty impeccable...

All very interesting bearing in mind the events of the last few days

Theres some other good stuff in there as well


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