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There is a programme called DIY SOS where people belive they are competent to undertake certain tasks for example building an extension for their home. After a couple of weeks and a few unnecessary swings of the hammer they discover they are unable to finish what they started.Their family sit in a house full of mess and rubble and call DIY SOS who sometimes help.I really hope that Roeder is competent to repair what he has started and that he is not another  DIY enthusiast.I am struggling with his plans for the future that involve the dismissal of such loyal employees,is this a case of the worker really blaming his tools 

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Could be worse, 60 minute makeover. The state they leave peoples houses is brill, one woman was crying her eyes out until she saw her new plasma tv and her fitted kitchen, then the luminous orange walls and paint on the carpet dont seem so bad

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Do a re-make of changing rooms - bring back Chris LLEWELLYN and Mark BOWEN. hahahahaha get it?hahahahah im sooo funnny

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[quote user="beachball"]I hope the plasma tv can score 20 goals a season[/quote]

You sound bitter Sandman.


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