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    Honestly, some of you lot seem to want to put down your club every which way you can, whether the Manager or your players or the players the Manager may or not bring in.

    I am a Silly Old So (ul).  We certainly f****d up last season but as a cheerful poster on a Colchester message board remarked: "That''s our second best finish EVER."

    Consider that. Second best finish ever is bottom of the Championship!  That''s looking on the bright side I think.

    I absolutely love my club. It''s had more than it''s fair share of plonkers both in charge and on the field but still I am there whatever they throw at me after extracting my season ticket money.

    I think we are going to have a great season and I hope your club does too!


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    Cor blimey guv, you sound like a Percy [:O] ….

    [8]Consider yourself at home.
    Consider yourself one of the family.
    We''ve taken to you so strong.
    It''s clear we''re going to get along.
    Consider yourself well in
    Consider yourself part of the furniture.
    There isn''t a lot to spare.
    Who cares?..What ever we''ve got we share![Y]

    But you can still be Nancy...........



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    I do wonder what it would take to actually make some of the members of this forum support the club again. It''s sad when even your own fans immediatly expect the worst in every situation, twist everything from the club into an obvious statement of intent not to support the manager and view every single little thing the manager does as disrespectful insults.

    I simply cannot see why they cannot be open minded and just wait and see what happens before judging our football club. But oh no - to them, the jury''s been out, come back in and returned a verdict of guilty before some of the crimes they alledge have even ben committed!

    Best wishes to you, Camul and all of you down at Colchester Utd - like many a Norwich fan, I have a soft spot for Colchester because of their hatred for Ipswich!

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    I think a lot of the problem is these internet forums, Camul (can I call you Camel?). Message boards and forums allow people to talk about every issue, situation or problem until the last tiny nuance has been extracted from the topic under discussion, and some times even beyond that. This allows the more controversial issues to fester on and on, sometimes for weeks or months at a time. Also "problems" can be magnified out of all proportion in online debates as posters try to out-exaggerate each other. Bring back the good old days when people just talked about the goings-on at their clubs at the match, on the street, in the home or down the pub.

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    What an incisive post Camul...I think the problem with this message board is that there are perhaps one or two people with two much time on their hands with nothing better to do than moan about City.I remember when I was a kid, getting on a smoke filled Easton''s coach at Cromer in the hope that the battered old jalopy would make it to Carrow Rd in time for kick off.   The coach was filled with old boys moaning about the manager and the players and how City wouldn''t ever make it...The posters on this board are the electronic equivalent of those old boys, the Stadler & Waldorf''s of NCFC....

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    [quote user="camuldonum"]

    Honestly, some of you lot seem to want to put down your club every which way you can, whether the Manager or your players or the players the Manager may or not bring in.

    I am a Silly Old So (ul).  We certainly f****d up last season but as a cheerful poster on a Colchester message board remarked: "That''s our second best finish EVER."

    Consider that. Second best finish ever is bottom of the Championship!  That''s looking on the bright side I think.

    I absolutely love my club. It''s had more than it''s fair share of plonkers both in charge and on the field but still I am there whatever they throw at me after extracting my season ticket money.

    I think we are going to have a great season and I hope your club does too!



    i think colchester did well to stay up for one season let alone almost achieve a playoff place! think second season they was some what sussed and with few big players leaving the new guys didnt really cement their claims to replace colchester

    im not sure theyll achieve promotion back up next season but all the best to colchester

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    Hang on one gosh-darned minute, camul - we''re the best fans in the world. We know that because we''ve told ourselves that we are - often. We''ve also told ourselves that we deserve to be a Premier League club, that we deserve to have a billionaire owner who can throw money at us until we''ve got that Premier League status, that a mere millionaire who invests a sizeable chunk of her money in a business that makes Northern Rock look like Fort Knox is beneath contempt, that we must sign every footballers that''s available (and quite a few that aren''t), and that whenever the team loses or plays badly the manager''s a f***ing st*p*d c*** who should be lynched. But we''ve paid our money so we can be as pig-ignorantly divisive as we want, and who cares if the Club suffers - it''s us fans that matter, cos we''re the best!

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    [quote user="Old Boy"]Hang on one gosh-darned minute, camul - we''re the best fans in the world. We know that because we''ve told ourselves that we are - often. We''ve also told ourselves that we deserve to be a Premier League club, that we deserve to have a billionaire owner who can throw money at us until we''ve got that Premier League status, that a mere millionaire who invests a sizeable chunk of her money in a business that makes Northern Rock look like Fort Knox is beneath contempt, that we must sign every footballers that''s available (and quite a few that aren''t), and that whenever the team loses or plays badly the manager''s a f***ing st*p*d c*** who should be lynched. But we''ve paid our money so we can be as pig-ignorantly divisive as we want, and who cares if the Club suffers - it''s us fans that matter, cos we''re the best!


    That is quite simply the best post ever. It should be used as an automatic reply every time the idiots pull another negative out of the magic hat.

    And good on yer for bringing it up in the first place, camul. Spot on.

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    [quote user="TheMarshmallowMan"]

    I do wonder what it would take to actually make some of the members of this forum support the club again. It''s sad when even your own fans immediatly expect the worst in every situation, twist everything from the club into an obvious statement of intent not to support the manager and view every single little thing the manager does as disrespectful insults.

    I simply cannot see why they cannot be open minded and just wait and see what happens before judging our football club. But oh no - to them, the jury''s been out, come back in and returned a verdict of guilty before some of the crimes they alledge have even ben committed!

    Best wishes to you, Camul and all of you down at Colchester Utd - like many a Norwich fan, I have a soft spot for Colchester because of their hatred for Ipswich!


    And there lies the problem. You see i support the club so much that i''m sick of silly fools using it as a hobby or a toy thing for there own benifit. So to sum it up I LOVE NCFC BUT HATE THE FOOLS WHO ARE RUNNING IT INTO THE GROUND. I think that makes me a very good supporter of something that is bigger than a few celebrity individuals.

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    40 football league teams have gone into administration in the last 15 years.  Norwich isn''t one of them.  So, given that our club is not one of the 55% of clubs who have ended up screwing over local businesses and the St Johns Ambulance, how do you come to the conclusion that the club is being run into the ground ?

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    [quote user="blahblahblah"]


    40 football league teams have gone into administration in the last 15 years.  Norwich isn''t one of them.  So, given that our club is not one of the 55% of clubs who have ended up screwing over local businesses and the St Johns Ambulance, how do you come to the conclusion that the club is being run into the ground ?


    Is it that many? Thats a staggering number. Makes you wonder how football can sustain itself.

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    Roeder said he was joining one of the top 25 clubs in the country when he came to us, and I happen to agree with him on that.  In attendance terms we are in fact in the top 20.

    As a top 25 club, we should at least be aiming to be making the play offs, and I reckon that nearly every Norwich fan would settle for that, what we do not expect is consistently finishing in the lower level of the Championship.

    ps - As an Essex boy myself and being in the crowd at Layer Rd for that famous 3 -2 win over "dirty Leeds" as a gobsmacked 11 year old, it is always nice to have a Col U fan such as yourself on the Board.

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    [quote user="Trent Canary"][quote user="blahblahblah"]


    40 football league teams have gone into administration in the last 15 years.  Norwich isn''t one of them.  So, given that our club is not one of the 55% of clubs who have ended up screwing over local businesses and the St Johns Ambulance, how do you come to the conclusion that the club is being run into the ground ?


    Is it that many? Thats a staggering number. Makes you wonder how football can sustain itself.


    It can''t and that''s the trouble.  Too many clubs over-reach themselves, go into administration, change ownership so that someone else can have a try, and the only penalty until now has been 10 or 15 point deductions. 

    Daft thing is, Neil Doncaster doesn''t help himself when he talks about Gretna.  There are tons of clubs more relevant to Norwich that have gone under.

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    [quote user="blahblahblah"]


    40 football league teams have gone into administration in the last 15 years.  Norwich isn''t one of them.  So, given that our club is not one of the 55% of clubs who have ended up screwing over local businesses and the St Johns Ambulance, how do you come to the conclusion that the club is being run into the ground ?


    And how many of those have disapeared off the face of the earth? I hazard a quess not many. How many are infact doing ok for themselfs now? Its a game of FOOTBALL if you haven''t forgot and as much as i hate the scum nd the way they went about there buisness,they are now in a better position then us because they are prepared to look at the bigger picture of todays game instead of running there club as a cosy little gentlemens club.

    PS- could you bring up a link for these 40 clubs please? Cheers.

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    [quote user="Arthur Whittle"][quote user="blahblahblah"]


    40 football league teams have gone into administration in the last 15 years.  Norwich isn''t one of them.  So, given that our club is not one of the 55% of clubs who have ended up screwing over local businesses and the St Johns Ambulance, how do you come to the conclusion that the club is being run into the ground ?


    And how many of those have disapeared off the face of the earth? I hazard a quess not many. How many are infact doing ok for themselfs now? Its a game of FOOTBALL if you haven''t forgot and as much as i hate the scum nd the way they went about there buisness,they are now in a better position then us because they are prepared to look at the bigger picture of todays game instead of running there club as a cosy little gentlemens club.

    PS- could you bring up a link for these 40 clubs please? Cheers.


    Also i wonder how many of the 55% of the clubs that have avoided admin are declining as fast as ours in respectto FOOTBALL?

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    Its an interesting point. How many of those clubs are in a better or worse state than before the decline into administration?

    I suppose there is an arguement (Albeit a very unethical one) that we could just throw a load of money into the playing side, if we go up then great. If it doesnt work we might go into administration, probably get relegated, and hope to come back up again a season or two later with suitable financial flexibility.

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    [quote user="Trent Canary"]

    Its an interesting point. How many of those clubs are in a better or worse state than before the decline into administration?

    I suppose there is an arguement (Albeit a very unethical one) that we could just throw a load of money into the playing side, if we go up then great. If it doesnt work we might go into administration, probably get relegated, and hope to come back up again a season or two later with suitable financial flexibility.



    Its extremely unethical and not something that would please me but its life. Its like when no one remembers the runner up, a few years down the line all would be forgotten.

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    I suppose it just grates that Ipswich ballsed up their finances, yet a few years later are in a better position than we are.

    Leeds went into adminstration about a year ago, and they could be back in our division and have every chance of finishing above us next season.

    Am in no way justifying it, and it does lead to the question of sustainability with football. However while teams can carry on getting bailed out, you can be sure clubs will be mis-managed, and players will earn far more than their employer should logically be able to afford.

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    [quote user="Arthur Whittle"]

    Its extremely unethical and not something that would please me but its life. Its like when no one remembers the runner up, a few years down the line all would be forgotten.


    It''s not forgotten Arthur. Not in the places where the local businesses have been hurt. Would you forget if Norwich City Football Club brought your business to it''s knees whilst still paying hundreds of thousands of pounds to greedy players?

    In any consideration of the fairness of this, the context has to be remembered. English football, in its greatest boom-time, is leaving millions of pounds unpaid to HM Revenue & Customs, public bodies and utilities, local businesses and, always, St John Ambulance when clubs go bust. The League pointed out that 40 clubs, over half its 72 members, have declared insolvency in recent years. This season Bournemouth, Rotherham and Luton fell into administration and after a sober period following ITV Digital''s 2002 collapse, several other clubs'' finances are far from pretty.

    The League introduced its 10-point automatic penalty for clubs declaring insolvency partly to show that it disapproves and also as a "sporting sanction" so that clubs which cut their debts in this way cannot benefit at the expense of those paying every penny they owe. Many League chairmen who strive to keep their clubs solvent feel vehemently that administration is dishonourable. Several resent Leeds'' spending this season on wages and new players - including Neil Kilkenny, signed from Birmingham City for a reported £150,000 - after slashing their debts last summer.

    The League''s moral compass in negotiating this landscape is skewed by its rule that in any insolvency "football creditors" must be paid in full - meaning, mostly, players'' wages to the end of their contracts and transfer fees to other clubs. The League justifies this in terms of "sporting integrity", so that clubs cannot recklessly sign quality players whose wages they cannot realistically afford, then lay them off unpaid when "living the dream" unravels. The rule leads, however, to the deeply unappealing spectacle of multi-millionaire footballers being paid their outlandish salaries in full while "ordinary" creditors must settle for a fraction of what they are owed. In Leeds'' administration Danny Mills, who played his final game for the club in May 2003, four years later was still owed £216,667 under his contract and was required to be fully paid. The West Yorkshire Ambulance Service, owed £8,997, was among the creditors whose debts were cut.

    Read the whole article here :-




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    And is one right to assume that the people responsible for the financial disaster (Appropriate backroom staff) also pick up their pay cheques in full too?

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    We are talking Colchester here, gates of about 5 grand on a good day, to be in the same league as us is a miracle or shows how far we have fallen, you have gone back to your level now, you can be positive mate.

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    [quote user="keiran womersley"]

    come on u u''s


    there my new league 1 team  :)


    cheers and i 100percent agree


    I hope we are not going to let you down next season! If we can hang on to our better lads I think we are going to do a lot better than this year.

    It''s still a thrilling season and, for the first time ever, we''ll have a decent Stadium, something I never thought I''d see.

     Very amused to see that we''ve set up a "corporate" web site to hire the Stadium out - including a wedding licence which enables couples to actually get married in the Home Dressing Room!  I presume they use air spray to kill off the Elloman''s aura first but who knows?  Imagine that: the Mighty U''s with a corporate web site!

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    Cheers for finding the link nutty, exactly the piece I was thinking of.  I knew you''d understand [:)].

    Arthur, as far as I''m aware there is no definitive list available, it''s not something that people like to bring up I guess.  There is an academic paper for a talk on football finance floating about that was claiming 43 insolvencies since 1992, when th Premier league started, and that was before the 07/08 season started, and there have been at least another 3 this season.  40 is a conservative estimate. 

    However, I can tell you that Burton Albion, Ipswich, Leicester, Wimbledon / MK Dons, Bournemouth, Leeds, Bradford, Cambridge Utd, Wrexham, Oxford Utd, York City, Aldershot have all been into administration, and that''s without thinking too deeply about it.  The last 5 have now left the football league, but I think that it shows that running clubs without strict financial regulation can lead to the loss of status.

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    [quote user="JaundicedJockGeorgy"]I think a lot of the problem is these internet forums, Camul (can I call you Camel?). Message boards and forums allow people to talk about every issue, situation or problem until the last tiny nuance has been extracted from the topic under discussion, and some times even beyond that. This allows the more controversial issues to fester on and on, sometimes for weeks or months at a time. Also "problems" can be magnified out of all proportion in online debates as posters try to out-exaggerate each other. Bring back the good old days when people just talked about the goings-on at their clubs at the match, on the street, in the home or down the pub.[/quote]

    I think you are spot on about that.  Older members will remember that all you heard was gossip at the game, or down the pub, or what appeared in the local newspaper.  With all the sites and blogs these days and the rumour boards the whole thing has gone crazy I think and at the end of it no one knows what to believe anyway! I think people do get their hopes up in a way that they didn''t used to do because all this info, right or wrong, comes flying at them.

    It''s lovely for people to talk about their team but I think people do get a bit wound up!

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    [quote user="Plastic Scouser"]What an incisive post Camul...

    I think the problem with this message board is that there are perhaps one or two people with two much time on their hands with nothing better to do than moan about City.

    I remember when I was a kid, getting on a smoke filled Easton''s coach at Cromer in the hope that the battered old jalopy would make it to Carrow Rd in time for kick off.   The coach was filled with old boys moaning about the manager and the players and how City wouldn''t ever make it...

    The posters on this board are the electronic equivalent of those old boys, the Stadler & Waldorf''s of NCFC....


    LOL! People have always moaned but it''s sort of 24/7 moaning these days.

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    [quote user="we8wba"][quote user="camuldonum"]

    Honestly, some of you lot seem to want to put down your club every which way you can, whether the Manager or your players or the players the Manager may or not bring in.

    I am a Silly Old So (ul).  We certainly f****d up last season but as a cheerful poster on a Colchester message board remarked: "That''s our second best finish EVER."

    Consider that. Second best finish ever is bottom of the Championship!  That''s looking on the bright side I think.

    I absolutely love my club. It''s had more than it''s fair share of plonkers both in charge and on the field but still I am there whatever they throw at me after extracting my season ticket money.

    I think we are going to have a great season and I hope your club does too!



    i think colchester did well to stay up for one season let alone almost achieve a playoff place! think second season they was some what sussed and with few big players leaving the new guys didnt really cement their claims to replace colchester

    im not sure theyll achieve promotion back up next season but all the best to colchester


    I''m not sure we will come straight back up either - it took us long enough to get out of League One last time but as long as we do better than this year I shall be happy.

    What sank us was the defence.  We had no trouble scoring - I believe we scored more than Norwich.  The problem was that we could not hang on to a lead.  One of our posters worked out that if we had hung on to our lead in 50 per cent of the games where we scored first we would have been around the playoffs!

    We''ve started strengthening the defence already and if we can hang on to most of our better players I believe we will give people a good game next season.

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    [quote user="ricky knight"]We are talking Colchester here, gates of about 5 grand on a good day, to be in the same league as us is a miracle or shows how far we have fallen, you have gone back to your level now, you can be positive mate.[/quote]

    I''m always positive about my team.  I always think we are going to have a great season - I''ve been to the Conference League with them so relegation to League One doesn''t really count.

    Our level will, I guess, partially depend on how much money our owner can put in during the next and forthcoming seasons and how many of the current lads we can keep.  A number keep saying they wish to stay but I remember a Norwich player who said that!  We''ll see.  We should have around a couple of million which is not to say we are going to spend all that, of course.

    I''m hoping that the new Stadium will lead to better attendances although it isn''t going to happen overnight and we will never, ever get near Norwich (or Ipswich) in that respect.

    Like Scunthorpe, we are a very small club but I''m hoping we can come back one day.  It was nice to beat Ipswich 2-0 anyway.............we also played them off the park at Portman Road until we missed a penalty when 1-0 up.

    We''ve had two enjoyable years and it''s been good. Right at the end of the season when we needed to put a run together to survive we had 10 first team players out with injury at one period - we don''t have enough experience behind them to take that sort of hit.  We were even reduced to registering the goalkeeping coach as a player!

    But that''s football and it''s behind us now.  And it''s certainly a lot better than our "darkest days" deep down in the Conference League!

    Let''s hope we''ve both got great days ahead of us.

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