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Munby said: “After a lengthy and diligent search I am more than delighted to confirm that Glenn Roeder is the board''s unanimous choice"

why didn''t he listen to the fans???

majority wanted Jewell, should''ve gone all out for him. even if jewell turned us down, at least Munby could''ve turned round and said we tried!

anyway, good luck glenn roeder... kick it off....



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[quote user="england1966"]

Munby said: “After a lengthy and diligent search I am more than delighted to confirm that Glenn Roeder is the board''s unanimous choice"

why didn''t he listen to the fans???

majority wanted Jewell, should''ve gone all out for him. even if jewell turned us down, at least Munby could''ve turned round and said we tried!

anyway, good luck glenn roeder... kick it off....


Yes, strange isnt it, especially when nearly all other club chairmen do exactly what their fans want.

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[quote user="england1966"]

Munby said: “After a lengthy and diligent search I am more than delighted to confirm that Glenn Roeder is the board''s unanimous choice"

why didn''t he listen to the fans???

majority wanted Jewell, should''ve gone all out for him. even if jewell turned us down, at least Munby could''ve turned round and said we tried!

anyway, good luck glenn roeder... kick it off....




From my understanding, the club did everything they could reasonably have done (and more) to speak to Jewell even as late as Mnday night AFTER the final interviews had taken place. He simply did not respond (alledgedly).

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