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Missing Players

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Mr Grant mentions that he was without 5 of his Quality players last night, can someone explain to me this statement as I can only think of one. 

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I think he means

Hucks, Lappin, Brellier, Smith, and er hmm Saf? Interesting if he''s included him in that 5, can''t think of anyone else missing though.

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Well Hucks, Brellier and Smith will pretty much be regulars so thats 3.. Lappin aswell i should think, as we didnt have a left footed mid on the pitch so he must of been out aswell. Not sure on the 5th.

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Didn''t hear that but Brellier, Hucks, Lappin are 3 that come to mind quite quickly

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Hucks, Lappin, Smith, Brellier all missing from midfield, also Safri is a midfielder so it was pretty much a 2nd string midfield against a premiership side

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[quote user="HARRYPOTTER"]Mr Grant mentions that he was without 5 of his Quality players last night, can someone explain to me this statement as I can only think of one. [/quote]

This quote rather mystified me as well, Harry. The obvious one missing is Hucks, but then you have - Safri, Brellier, Smith and Lappin; all of whom would have had a good chance of making the 1st eleven. Mind you, Safri shouldn''t really be included in this list now that the main man has effectively sacked him. Slightly worryingly, we did have our 1st choice back four and attack on show last night.

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[quote user="HARRYPOTTER"]Mr Grant mentions that he was without 5 of his Quality players last night, can someone explain to me this statem ent as I can only think of one. [/quote]       

whos the one then ? patrick bexfield?

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