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Is Worthy allowed to manage a Premier League Club

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If i remember rightly he''s got one of the highest coaching qualifications that a manager can get. Something UEFA approved but i forget what..

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Here, i think, lies the evidence you seek;


Read till you find who else gained the Diploma.

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Didn''t he get some coaching qualification last season which made hime more qualified than most premiership managers!! Don''t know what the qualification''s called but pretty sure he''s qualified!

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I thought that he had UEFA A, which is, I think, the highest bage you can get. Where as some managers in the prem don''t have any. Don''t quote me on this but I''m sure that''s what I remember hearing somewhere.

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Obviously, this thread is not meant to solicit critical comment against Nigel but the thread does trigger a couple of thoughts. Firstly, as in all walks of life, getting a piece of paper does not mean you are necessarily more capable of doing a job than many others who do not have the piece of paper. How you apply your knowledge, how you deal with people, how you are able to get the very best out of a diverse group of individuals, all of these things determine the skill of a leader/motivator/coach. I have experienced this repeatedly in my business career where I have seen people who had the paper qualifications but, sadly, lacked the other essential ingredients to be truly successful. There may be some Premier managers who don''t necessarily have the piece of paper but more than make up for it on other fronts.

Secondly ( and this can be construed negatively towards Nigel ), as I have said on other threads, something is not quite right with the confidence level of the Canaries at the moment. Despite Nigel''s recent comments, it is not due to the fans. Most teams in the league would die for the type of support our fans give. With respect to the quality of the players, generally speaking most observers on this board appear to think that, while we could use someone in the wide right area, Norwich has a good quality squad for Division 1. For me, it appears that there may be too many thoughts in the players heads which are getting in the way, rather than a bunch of talented guys just going to the park and playing good football ( win or lose ). So I think Worthy still has a lot to prove about his ability to manage a Premier club. Let''s see how he can get his own thoughts sorted out in the current situation and then turn the players loose so they can play the kind of football we know they are capable of.

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