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Peter Mendham Arrested

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I just couldn''t believe what I was hearing when I turned the radio on at lunchtime and heard that our Peter Menham has been arrested for the alledged stabbing of his girlfriend.

I have fond memories of him and the goal he scored for us in the Milk Cup and hes done such a wondeful job of fund raising for the Air Ambulance, how could things have got so bad for him.

He was arrested for drink driving back in May and I was one of thoese people who was hoping that the Air Ambulance wouldn''t take his job away from him and give him another chance.

I remember reading that they had hundreds of letters and calls of support for him and they said when decided just recently to let him keep his job, that the Air Ambulance wouldn''t be what it is today without all the money he''d raised and the effort he''d put into his job.

This news today has made me very very sad.

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Yes I should have said my thoughts are with her too, lets hope she makes a full recovery and is back on her feet very soon.

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couldnt believe it either, ive known he since i was about 5! (im 26)

im hoping its some sort of mistake

he used to live opposite me, (hes ex and her sons still do)

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I was amazed when I heard about it. None of us really know what''s been going on to have led to something like this. It''s all very sad. I hope she recovers.

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