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The wheat from the Chaff !

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That was  Nigel  talking about  his future team selections !     what he`s saying is ,  he knows which players have  a pride and a passion  , and those who act as if they have neither !!   and he intends to select those that DO  have the P&P .

Well Nige , I wish you luck  in selecting   those players with  P&P !     but I think the best you can hope for   is a team where those with the P&P,  outnumber   those  without those qualities !   because , frankly , they ARE thin on the ground ....   Hucks , Earnie , Crofty , Flemmo .... then it sort of tails off   ,   which just leads to selecting  lads like Eagle  and Jarvis .... 

Nigel .... the passion  needs to come from you !    I know its not in you  ,  but if you burst into that dressing room ,  pre-match ,  and kick their boots skywards  ,  F it like Barry Fry ,   with Warnock overtones   ....   I guarantee you`ll get  listened to !     then get on the touchline  during the match  , and run up and down  shouting  orders  !    make them have it !! 

Its called kickass [:D]

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The trouble is I can''t see too much wheat at the moment - its nearly all chaff! Then again, bring in the right manager and he just might be able to do something with the players we have. Look how Martin O'' Neil has transformed Villa - he didn''t need any expensive transfers to achieve that. Come on board, sort it out!

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