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I do think Someone will sign soon... because

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I saw 2 members of the football club going into the Hotel Nelson today... was about half 11...if they are discussing terms or are meeting a player to give them the tour then it sounds logical...

 Im not sure who they were but from a distance one of them looked like Chairman Mumbles... not sure who the other one was as it was a bit far away to tell... they turned up at the hotel in one of those Yellow NCFC protons u might of seen around...

 I hovered around for a bit looking to see if Worthless or Doncaster were turning up.. or indeed if a player and the other 2 came out but didnt see.. that of course doesnt mean we are signing anyone.. and nor does it mean that if we are there was no one there...  i just wandered off after 5 minutes because my GF needed to feed the baby...

 jas :) 

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I would be surprised if they met in Norwich. I think that sort of thing is normally done in London hotels.

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[quote user="Kathy Blake"]I think that sort of thing is normally done in London hotels.[/quote]

Are you talking about meetings between Eriksson and his PA''s? 

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probabally went to the nelson for a club sarnie and a beer, they do the best sarnies in the world!

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Why meet a player at the hotel nelson for a ground tour, is it too much to ask to have them drive around the corner?

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Could of been.. but i doub''t it; you know what the papers are like, they would have wrote up on it by now.. and the only thing i''ve seen is the rubbish about Hulse; hope he don''t come here anyway..

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''I''m not sure who they were...''

Out of interest, if that''s the case, what makes you think that they''re from the Club? 

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