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wan hanoi

questionaire-Should worthy go before signing more loan/fringe players?

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with the board claiming to be fully behind worthy, and having already stated he will bring in more loan players, and being linked with more fringe players/rejects would you:


A-wait untill we have as squad of 22 loans before chanting "worthy out"


B-Allow Hughes,Etuthu,Thorne,Robinson,and John another 3 seasons to prove there worth before chanting "worthy out"


C-See how players such as clarke and taylor who cant get in the west ham or forest teams adapt before chanting "worthy out"


D-See how many more bizare tactical decisions are made before chanting "worthy out"


E-Give the man a break as he has only taken us backwards over the last 2 years and we have as worthy says "short memorys"and when we do win against 10 men relegated sides its "one in the eye for those that are against me"

F-Chant "worthy Out"

multiple choice-take your time

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Why are you not using the seperate section for these pointless polls?

A. You''re really stupid.

B. You''re just stupid.

C. See A.



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