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"Awful, Feeble and Miserable"

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Two words used to describe City''s performance on Saturday, and the third to describe City''s season by the Independent on Sunday.

So this is where we are. Virtually injury free (OK, Safri was out but he still has to deliver more in my opinion), with a record amount of money to spend, with over 5 years of experience at this club, the chance to build and fashion his own team, the backing and stability of the Board, full houses at home, some genuinely talented players, and 38 games of Premiership football to develop and nurture the squad.

Frankly I am appalled. How on earth has it got to this? I don''t want this to turn into another plea to fall on the deaf ears of our majority shareholders, but HOW IS NIGEL WORTHINGTON TURNING THIS SQUAD OF PLAYERS INTO THE PATHETIC SHAMBLES WE NOW SEE WEEK IN WEEK OUT?

The man must have some talent- to do what he is doing is really quite impressive, Mike Bassett, Frank Spencer, and Alan Partridge would be hard pressed to do quite as badly as this. A new Anglia TV sitcom coming soon perhaps.................

Sorry, I failed to stop this turning into a rant.

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It''s what happens when a bad manager coaches bad tactics to a bunch of bad players who then play the bad tactics badly.


Just a personal opinion.

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My thoughts exactly, Tumbleweed. for years & years I''ve felt sorry for myself & the rest of our fans because we couldn''t compete financially with everyone else in this league. I''m now feeling sorry for us all because Worthy is wasting that precious money that could/should aid us in getting promotion! The worst scenario is for Worthy to stay another year,  buy a few more verticall challenged players & have nothing left for his long overdue replacement to work with.

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Sad thing is its not funny anymore ............. its quite sad that the club continues to back a manger that has lost the plot! Glad the season is almost over? I am!! Who knows he may go (................ back to the land of dreams) [U]

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Just read the Telegraph review as well, although I think someone else has already referred to it. They describe Worthington''s statement that it was one of Norwich''s best away performances as bizarre, citing the only two attempts on target we had were the two own goals. This has ceased to be funny and where I live in outer London I am starting to get nods of sympathy when I say I support Norwich, as if I have had a recent bereavement.

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