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The Raptor

Does anyone hate Wrexham?

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Posted (edited)

Throwing money about in the lower leagues. Now targeting premier league players. Buying their success with a budget much bigger than the rest of the league they're in. Yet the media wet themselves about them as they're owned by a couple of actors. If I was a fan of a team in the same league I think I'd hate them!

Edited by The Raptor

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Posted (edited)
1 minute ago, The Raptor said:

Throwing money about in the lower leagues. Now targeting premier league players. Buying their success with a budget much bigger than the rest of the league they're in. Yet the media wet themselves about them as they're owned by a couple of actors. If I was a fan of a team in the same league I think I'd hate them!

Nope I envy them as they deserve their moment after the years of decline!

Also I used to love their badge in my Pannini stickers in the early 80’s! Looked great against the silver backdrop!

Edited by Indy

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Couldn't care less. Think it's pretty funny that their owners are portraying it as some sort of underdog tale though.

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Yes. I hated them in 1970 when they won at Carrow Road in the first FA Cup match I ever went to.

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Just now, KeiranShikari said:

Couldn't care less. Think it's pretty funny that their owners are portraying it as some sort of underdog tale though.

Yeah the underdog thing. I knew there was something else to mention!

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I don't hate them but I resent this vague assumption that we all support them now.

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Feel sorry for the lifelong geniue fans of the club who have had to watch their club turn into a hollywood vanity project circus.


Of course they won't complain about the money and promotions but..


Nothing lasts forever. Get the feeling the Wrexham bubble will burst.

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I think there's an element of jealousy from fans of other teams because their owners are just throwing money at the club for enjoyment as much as anything, although obviously they're making a bit back on the TV documentary and the additional revenue that comes with it. 

But what's irritating a lot of people is that they're getting more media coverage than the rest of the teams in their league combined. So far that reason, I'd rather they didn't keep getting promoted.

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It's more of sickening feeling than hate, 

The smoke that gets blown up their backsides, the constant media love in, the assumption that everyone is willing them to do well. The fact that Americans now support them! Just makes you wanna throw up. 

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8 minutes ago, GodlyOtsemobor said:

It's more of sickening feeling than hate, 

The smoke that gets blown up their backsides, the constant media love in, the assumption that everyone is willing them to do well. The fact that Americans now support them! Just makes you wanna throw up. 

Anybody who calls football soccer should be banned from watching the sport if you ask me..

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17 minutes ago, cambridgeshire canary said:

Anybody who calls football soccer should be banned from watching the sport if you ask me..

Does that include our new investors?

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Not at all. The owners seem to genuinely care about the club and the city, which is rare in modern football, especially among foreign owners.

And if they do end up in the same division as us there's every chance that it will help to raise our profile in the states too. As when we play each other it's Deadpool vs Wolverine.



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28 minutes ago, cambridgeshire canary said:

Anybody who calls football soccer should be banned from watching the sport if you ask me..

It's a British term, only fell out of fashion in the 1970's.

One of the most popular programme's on SKY is called Soccer Saturday.

Why do people get upset about it's use? 

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31 minutes ago, cambridgeshire canary said:

Anybody who calls football soccer should be banned from watching the sport if you ask me..

I used to feel the same, until I realised that "soccer" is just an abbreviation of Association Football. Though of course you will never gear me use the word soccer.



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I genuinely think Reynolds and the other bloke who isn’t Ryan Reynolds mean well and have certainly done there research.

But it ain’t a fairytale I remember in episode one or two of the documentary the guy who isn’t aRyan Reynolds said it was the greatest sporting underdog story. In the next scene they were poaching league one players with offer of ridiculous salaries which the existing squad were laughing about.

With a fair wind they’ll soon be out of League one but in my opinion it’s getting even half way up the championship requires silly money and it will be interesting what happens then.

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I think of them as I do all the other Welsh teams in the English structure, they should be in the Welsh league.

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7 minutes ago, Ken Hairy said:

I think of them as I do all the other Welsh teams in the English structure, they should be in the Welsh league.

That I agree with!

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10 hours ago, Ken Hairy said:

I think of them as I do all the other Welsh teams in the English structure, they should be in the Welsh league.

Exactly this. 

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I think the show they make is great. It perfectly illustrates to people may not understand the effect a football club has on the entire community around it. There’s not much in life that people from all walks of life and politics tend to agree on and enjoy together but one of those is football. I think there’s always going to be jealousy in football look at us last season under smith when we had the biggest wage budget in the league some were criticising that before the season how it was unfair we used parachute payments to our advantage. Doesn’t count for much if you’ve got a moron in charge though. 

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13 hours ago, The Raptor said:

Throwing money about in the lower leagues. Now targeting premier league players. Buying their success with a budget much bigger than the rest of the league they're in. Yet the media wet themselves about them as they're owned by a couple of actors. If I was a fan of a team in the same league I think I'd hate them!

American ownership, trying to climb the leagues via more finance. Who’d want that? 😂. 

The celebrity element is a bit cringe. Who’d want that? 😂. 

Glass houses. 

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It’s fine for now, getting out of the conference and 4th and 3rd tiers can be done relatively cheaply, but when you get to our level it will start to cost the yanks serious money to keep them competitive. Then we’ll see just how committed they are 

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Its a good point worth talking about though -

They are the lower league Man City and I do wonder what lower league fans think, chances are they will go up again so we will see them in he Championship. 

I mean, great for the area and by all accounts the Deadpool and the other bloke are really decent to the fans and splash money on good causes....


BUT.... is it good for football ?
I would say no.

I personally dont like Ryan Reynolds as he plays Ryan Reynolds in all his films and I am at the point now where the film industry is saturated with his stuff. Like when he broke onto the scene his brand of passive aggressive sarcasm and self depreciation was hilarious after a while I was like... oh its Ryan Reynolds as Ryan Reynolds again so I now avoid his films like the plague.
I think this is probably the same for Wrexham.


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Yes I hate them, completely bored of the coverage they get, they also have, or had some Marmite players, McClean, Foster.

The two owners seem like nice, gormless enough blokes. But the club get way too much coverage now on your general weekend roundups

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I live very close to Wrexham (Wrecsam) and so experience the furore first hand.

There are a lot of new fans, and the celebrity status of the club has attracted many non-football people (which a few of the older fans find annoying)

But it has spilt over into the town itself. The owners have ingratiated themselves into the local community, which is great, and the town has received City status. It's not a city, it's a town (it's smaller than Kings Lynn).

A lot of my Wrexham supporting mates don't like all that. They don't like the media attention, they don't like not being able to pay at the turnstile, they don't like season ticket holders being moved for corporate seats, and the don't like being a city. They feel that the soul of the club is being sold along with the soul of the town.

This is only a small portion of the fan base. Many are enjoying the ride with holidays to America and back to back promotions etc, but there is an underground rumbling of discontent.

The town does need support and investment and this is happening probably due to the Rob/Ryan effect.

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