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Canary Boy

A question for the web team?

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Dear Web Team

Why is it that whenever canary fans post messages on here, they are always surpressed at the top of the pile by the theee ''posters'' threads?

It is quite annoying when we want to start an important thread and each time they are knocked down the pecking order and made to look second best!

Canary boy

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Canary Boy,

In my experience the order of threads are listed in order of the last reply. The exception to this are the pinned threads at the top of the page which are there as, over a period of time, posters wish to read them, rather than them falling into lower pages.

I read all posts, however far down the page they are so rest assured yours will never look second best to me!

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me too DD

i lead such a sad life (and with the crap on TV to help me) that i spend far too much time on here and often go back to pages 4 and 5!!

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Thanks DumbleDelia...you have touched me! I can rest assured that you have read my threads, and please know that here on the Isle of Wight, your threads are also read. x

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