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Horrific head injury story

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Yes, just read that .

For this reason and all the others that young players don't quite make it im glad my boys don't want to follow in professional players footsteps.

The pot of gold that they see on Sky and MOTD only for them to be let loose from their club with no contract must be crushing for them .

The very best to Bobby in all that is ahead of him.

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14 minutes ago, ......and Smith must score. said:

Thankfully this type of thing is very rare especially in such a young player.

Doesn't make it any easier for Bobby though.

I wish him well

I suppose in a strange way he is quite lucky that he recovered from his seizure, although he does seem to have been left with some longer terms health issues poor lad.

An ex colleague of mine lost his son, who was 16, to heart failure when playing for his local club,  He has since been involved in a charity that offers screening to players in amateur clubs, I believe academies do this as a matter of course for their players..

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