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Been reading for years it’s about time people took responsibility for having just one kid, we need to cut the population down by half to ensure long term survival. But you can’t say that to the PC brigade as they will tell you it’s Human Rights to have as many kids as they want! Maybe Covid isn’t the real virus maybe it humanity that’s the virus who’s killing its host!

Edited by Indy
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Can't agree Indy. It's a total lie that there are too many people on the planet. There's more than enough air, water, food and land for all the 7.5 billion people in this world. The problem is the ludicrous and thoughtless over consumption that a proportion of those people indulge in. We need an attitude shift to place sustainability at the heart of everything we do. 

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Nice video with some good sentiments. Unfortunately it isn't actually true, but I wish it was.

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23 minutes ago, sgncfc said:

Nice video with some good sentiments. Unfortunately it isn't actually true, but I wish it was.

What do you think isn't true and what do you wish was? 

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That video made me throw up in my mouth a little. 

Still, better than watching the binners this season.

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52 minutes ago, Thirsty Lizard said:

Can't agree Indy. It's a total lie that there are too many people on the planet. There's more than enough air, water, food and land for all the 7.5 billion people in this world. The problem is the ludicrous and thoughtless over consumption that a proportion of those people indulge in. We need an attitude shift to place sustainability at the heart of everything we do. 

Millions have been removed from abject poverty by economic growth. 

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1 hour ago, Indy said:

Been reading for years it’s about time people took responsibility for having just one kid, we need to cut the population down by half to ensure long term survival. But you can’t say that to the PC brigade as they will tell you it’s Himan Rights to have as many kids as they want! Maybe Covid isn’t the real virus maybe it humanity that’s the virus who’s killing its host!

If I didn't know better I would have that as some spoof of a clueless, bigoted numpty

.............though it does get harder to tell as the days go by

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8 hours ago, Thirsty Lizard said:

Can't agree Indy. It's a total lie that there are too many people on the planet. There's more than enough air, water, food and land for all the 7.5 billion people in this world. The problem is the ludicrous and thoughtless over consumption that a proportion of those people indulge in. We need an attitude shift to place sustainability at the heart of everything we do. 

Well if you really think so, 7,5 billion is killing this planet, you can’t feed 7.5 billion without additional farming, water resources are being stretched and nearly 2 billion are on the line of starvation.....not sure how you can move to sustainable living with 7.5 billion.....but it won’t stop there thirsty...... in the last 100 years we’ve gone from 2 billion to 7.5 billion.

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As long as there are people who think that human beings are the most important things on the planet, we will have problems as a species. The evidence is as clear as it could be - everything is interconnected and if we think that we are somehow "special" compared to other living things, be it animals, insects or plants, we are not going to get out of the mess we have made of the world any time soon.

Take care of the planet, it's environment and other living things and we might actually get somewhere - but it needs the people in power to take responsibility for it.   The downtime the earth has had recently in terms of the huge reduction in pollution of industry and people driving around everywhere has shown the way - better air and water quality - and it is clear it only takes us to stop what we are doing and the earth will recover - but will it make much difference to our behaviour?

I doubt it, but we can hope......

Curiously - at least for democratic countries - the power is in the hands of people because they can vote for parties that recognise all this and then things could then change - but will they ever do it in sufficient numbers to cause a green revolution?  I doubt it - selfishness, greed, the pursuit of power and money are difficult to eradicate in governments/business and industry - and indeed in anyone who only thinks of themselves.  Will people ever vote to curtail their freedoms in the interests of the earth so it can be a better place for every living thing and which in turn would benefit the human race as well? 

Maybe, but we need a huge revolution across the world to change our ways - and it might take something like the situation we are in with covid 19 to do it.  If it isn't clear now that we need to change, then maybe it never will be, but unless we change, the result of mistreating animals, the blatant and ignorant exploitation of the living world generally will probably and eventually cause the exctinction of the human race. 

The suffering of animals is considered by some to be less important than the suffering of humans - well that is all well and good, we need to look after ourselves a a species.....but here's the thing....looking after ourselves at the expense of animals and the planet is not sensible.........it is stupid. 


Edited by lake district canary
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11 hours ago, Indy said:

Been reading for years it’s about time people took responsibility for having just one kid, we need to cut the population down by half to ensure long term survival. But you can’t say that to the PC brigade as they will tell you it’s Human Rights to have as many kids as they want! Maybe Covid isn’t the real virus maybe it humanity that’s the virus who’s killing its host!

'The PC brigade?' What?

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11 hours ago, Indy said:

But you can’t say that to the PC brigade as they will tell you it’s Human Rights to have as many kids as they want!

It's nothing to do with being "politically correct."

"Political correctness" is broadly conceived as a "left-wing" term being opposed to racism/ sexism and discrimination against those that are considered "minorities."

The "human right" to do whatever you want you want regardless of the consequence to other people is rather more a "libertarian" principle which is generally associated with the political "right."

* I accept the limitations of the false left/ right dichotomy and also that many on the far left would lay claim to being libertarian.

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1 hour ago, dylanisabaddog said:

Although the UN think the world population will continue to grow there is a growing view among scientists that it will actually start to shrink around 2040



It will. And there is a direct link between rising income (or falling poverty if you will) and fewer children. In other words, increased economic growth leads to a shrinking population

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1 hour ago, keelansgrandad said:

Do we think life on this planet was engineered or just luck?

Just luck takes an awful lot of believing. Many do though.

If it was designed it would appear to have been designed for different behaviours than we currently show.


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Just luck takes an awful lot of believing. Many do though.

If it was designed it would appear to have been designed for different behaviours than we currently show.

I think you are right Double N. Luck does appear to be one of the catalysts but isn't now.

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1 hour ago, keelansgrandad said:

Do we think life on this planet was engineered or just luck?

Since life consists of energy, then the whole universe is alive.  So life on this planet is the same as life anywhere - it just shows up in whatever form it can. 


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13 hours ago, Thirsty Lizard said:

What do you think isn't true and what do you wish was? 

Hard to know where to begin, but it isn't true that viruses are "lurking" somewhere in the rainforests just waiting to spring out on a defenceless planet devastated by humankind, which is the premise of the entire video. I wish it was true because then we would know where they were and could try to defeat them.

A virus is just another evolving organism and if you go back to these kinds of emotive basics, it has just as much right to life as any of the birds, animals, plants and humankind.

I'm afraid it's just romanticised misrepresentation to suggest that viruses wouldn't exist if we had been kinder to the planet. They have always existed, and probably always will. Hence the various plagues, flus, childhood diseases, smallpox etc.

And, with the exception of smallpox, they all still exist - we haven't defeated them, just controlled them. Which we managed to do even before we started to destroy the planet - hence there cannot be any correlation. 

There is some merit in the increased ease of transmission caused by our chosen lifestyle, but that's it.

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