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First Wizard

I WILL keep the faith!.

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But only AFTER Worthington has gone, sorry, but I don''t like or trust the man.

He''s always saying his job is on the line. Rubbish!, if it really was on the line as he says it is, he would have been gone a long while ago.

No, his friends the Smiths make sure his job is safe, whatever the results might be, and he''s kidding himself if he thinks we actually believe anything what comes from his mouth.

Keep the faith wiz?, glad to my friends, but only after Worthy has gone!.

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Most people get those awful desktop calendars for christmas - insult-a-day or joke-a-day or fact-a-day.

I presume as 2005 is nearly up you will be getting the 2006 version of the "Provocative-statement-a-day" desktop calendar to replace the one that has seen so much service this year?

The only good thing is you vary the time...sometimes it hits us first thing, sometimes in the afternoon.  If you were more consistent in your timings we could do away with Greenwich and set our watches by you.


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1st Wizard you are a TURNCOAT why dont you try and read some of your post from 2 years back . I might be in  KTF but at least i am consistent

2 Years a go you worshipped the ground that worthy walked on, now you dislike him GET OVER YOURSELF

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