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Don't confuse Wizards with Trolls

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[quote user="Fat Barman"]Cheers, ncfc0405, 1st Troll it is from now on [B]

It seems a while since 1st wizard/troll has dangled his rod into the sea looking for a few bites. After all this time there are still no shortage of takers, including me it seems after the relegation issue [*-)]

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As your link didn''t work (well not on my PC it doesn''t) I''ll have to surmise that you''ve found a small picture of something like a wizard, for a small mind to appreciate, ah, envy is a terrible thing!.

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hmm, the attention seeking troll section seems particularly relevant, especially with the faux outrage so often expressed, "all those hurtful comments from the KTF bunch" boo hoo.

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For anyone else that couldn''t see the link, this is what it pointed to. Just a reminder that the best way to deal with trolls is usually to ignore them.


Internet troll
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
In Internet terminology, a troll is a person who posts inflammatory messages on the internet, such as on online discussion forums, to disrupt discussion or to upset its participants. It can also be used as a verb, meaning to post such messages, and "trolling" (the gerund) is also commonly used to describe the activity.


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Wiz is more a bizarre hybrid of troll and drama queen. Still waiting

for his latest "I''m leaving" strop only for him to return about a week


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[quote user="gazzathegreat"]Poor old Wiz, still I expect he can think of suitable names for those who mock him, or worse still cast a spell on them.  [:)][/quote]

Fare not fair Gazza, the hexes have been flying about left, right, and centre, although you are of course exempt from my wrath, I trust the ''others'' haven''t bought lottery ticket this week because they''ve no chance!.

This includes Worthy, who''''s hexed up to the eyeballs.

Evil cackle.[8o|]

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