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nevermind, neoliberalism has had it

dogs on leads in public parks?

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There is a debate on our establishment newspaper, Archants EDP, about dogs on leads in parks. A father had his toddler run over by a dog and wants them to be kept on a leash.Once again there is a poll attached which is inconsequential as it is the council that decides and makes policy. I have left the following response, but I''m not sure whether its going to be moderated out by a large corgi."Last year I had visitors and we planned a sumptious picnic at Withlingham. Little did we know that we shared this with the dogs of happy go lucky owners oblivious to the fact that dogs noses are attracted to smells, whether this is another dogs excrement or the food in our basket. Our pleads were met with stern looks and mumbled comments of why don''t you sit somewhere else. Parks are for recreation, fresh air and fun with the children first. I do not object to dogs in parks, but they should be on leads. Such issue is not to be done by some emotional poll in a regional establishment newspaper, but be a considered debate about the issue in public. I''d like to take part and argue the point of public health were free running dogs are concerned. And NO, I did not vote in this poll."

please feel free to debate the issue, I for one shall opt out of a dogs nose sniffing through my sandwiches, in between  having a good lick at a pile of dog poo/ nibble on some deceased carcass.

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I have a dog and I do walk around Whitlingham periodically, (today in fact), and she is let off her lead a lot, but only because we have trained her, and if she was to start looking to get inquisitive with other people she would respond to our call, and leave others in peace.

You can have your cucumber sandwiches in peace with us around

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My dog is never out of my sight, and responds to my calls, but have encountered plenty of owners who cannot control their dogs.

I wouldn''t be adverse to particular areas designated ''Non dogs''

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