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paul moy

Ray Wilkins RIP

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Such a calm and thoughtful chap when speaking.

And an underrated player during his career.

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[quote user="Crabbycanary3"]The World is in a far poorer state, with his passing.[/quote]

I had to read that twice.

but yes, very sad, R.I.P. Ray.

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Crabby canary3 wrote the following post at 04/04/2018 3:44 PM:

The World is in a far poorer state, with his passing.

The World? Really? Yes it is sad news for his family and friends and those who admired his footballing skills. By all accounts he was a genuine chap too but the World is poorer? This rush to flaunt one''s emotions so publicly is, for me, a tad embarrassing.

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Sorry Ricardo, I just read it back, and I see what you mean!

And even spookier, they called him the Crab!

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Crafty, my comment was due to him being a gentleman, that is all

Exactly. I think it a bit over the top for someone to criticise you for that.

Some will argue with the stones in the hedgerow.

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By all accounts he was a gentleman and his death is a sadness for those that knew him. My point is that while the World might be a poorer place for the passing of people like Sir Winston Churchill, Martin Luther King or Nelson Mandela it isn''t because a footballer has died.

If you were asked to name the 20 greatest players to have played football in the World I doubt very much that Butch Wilkins would be on the list. So let''s keep a sense of perspective please.

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Crafty, you used my post as your opening contribution to this, but you mis-interpreted my reason for contributing.

My thoughts were along the lines of a mighty fine person not being on this Planet anymore and wishing there were more (not one less) of these type of people still alive, to make the World a better place. Him being a footballer wasn''t my reason, as in it was a loss to this World that we lost the brains of Sir Stephen Hawking, but he wasn''t in the top 20 best husbands in the World

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How many are aware that he made his debut against Norwich in 1973.   I was actually at the game, being a Chelsea fan at the time, having moved to Hayes, London, where Ray by coincidence was brought up,  and we lost 3-0. It was that game where I realised that where my true allegiance was, as I was gutted that Norwich had lost. 

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