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Anyone Else Positive?

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[quote user="Essjayess"]Hard to believe was just a few short months ago that AN finally got the boot, leaving Irvine to carry us thru till end season. Althou many here thought AN should have gone earlier, credit anyway to Delia and the board for acting, and acting in such a decisive way in getting Stuart Webber in. I shudder when i think how us fans would be feeling now if AN and Moxey were still at the helm.Ruddy, Whittaker, Bennett, Mulumbu, Bassong, Lafferty, Turner, Dorrans, Rudd, Howson...wonder how much the wage bill has shrunk with those guys gone..but that is another good consequence of the new set up, with Steve Stone and Webber acting to do what had to be done realistically, acting now to avoid what happened 8 or 9 yrs ago from happening again. Think theres still room for more trimming without touching the ones we all know we want to remain here, Jarvis and Andreu spring to mind, maybe one GK also, do we need all of Gunn, McGovern, Matthews and Jones here? Im happy to keep Klose and Naismith, get a CB, LB and a striker in and we are about set.Positive indeed, and happy to give the new set up  a good dose of patience, if nothing else, will be looking forward to finally seeing the Maddisons, Toffolos, Godfreys etc playing their part alongside the Murphys. No great expectations about league position, just keep us out of the bottom 3 please Daniel. Looks a very strong division, with many teams having new overseas owners, the Chinese takeover of the West Midlands in particular looking like a spearhead aimed at the top places. All the more reason i for one, as each season goes by, cherishes what we have and who we support. OTBC.[/quote][Y] [Y]

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[quote user="Canary Top Hat"]After watching us struggle for periods against Lowestoft we are in for a very very long period[/quote]...Make sure you keep those panties on then as well as these........[:D]

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I like that we''re lining up 4-1-4-1 as well. Central attacking midfield is our strongest area, might as well play a formation that fits two into their preferred central position at once. I hope Harrison Reed is ready though because I''m not sure Tettey is good enough to play the lone defensive midfielder, that''s gonna be a key position this year.

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Extremely positive, much as I was this time last year. We had the squad but somehow it didn''t work outThe club have shown a very determined approach - one that perhaps reflects this will be our best chance once the money dries up. However it appears to have understood the causes of last season''s failures and taken drastic action to put us back on course againThe new structure certainly reflects the difference in the number of players the club has to contend with. Gone are the days when their was a Senior team, a reserve team and an A team (no jokes, please) So gone must be the idea that one man could be in charge of everything......and at different levels. I''m positive about us not having another one of the ''usual suspects'' appointed as manager, but someone without ''baggage'' from other clubs and someone who will be able to make a fresh startPositive that we have such a large number of quality younger players coming through. Many who have only joined the club in that last few seasons - testament to the club continuing with it''s long term approach.New players yet to come in, a new approach on the pitch to see, and a new buzz around the club to feel. Yep, can''t wait.Only dark side - ruddy Fulham away first game.

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Iam cautiously positive!

In my mind we are 3 players, CB, LB and another striker away from having a squad capable of seriously challenging for the top 6!

The idea of having lesser players who see playing for Norwich as a positive, a step up from where they came from rather than a necessity cause no bigger clubs have bought them yet and as a result are hungrier, paid of dividends in the Lambert years !

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Cautiously optimistic.We seem to be using a business model that is sustainable and I like the idea of developing younger and hungrier players. A bit concerned about Farke''s lack of experience but of course, in many ways, I can see all the positives from this too.We have some seriously talented individuals at this level, mainly going forwards - if we can get the defence sorted, I think that we have a good shot at promotion.My optimism would be deflated a little if we lost Pritchard/ Oliviera and failed to get some defensive reinforcements but atm I''m happy.

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If we beat Fulham away and I mean convincingly......I will add a millilitre of hopeful liquid to my empty season glass......If my glass is half full come Christmas......I''ll be slightly positive......

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With the degrading of the squad following the disposal of our last PL quality players last season, coupled with the current further degrading of our remaining top half championship players, it will take managerial genius for us to finish above half way this season. Indeed, if we avoid slipping back to league one for the second time in a decade over the next couple of years, Farke will undoubtedly earn his place and our Hall of Fame.

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I have absolutely no idea how next season will go but I''m certainly excited about the season ahead. Saying that I was excited going into the season with Peter Grant.

Regarding the Naismith comments I think he will suit Farkes style and his leadership is going to be vital.

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Nothing to be positive or negative about yet

Wait until he''s been in charge of few competitive games and we''ll see.

I don''t like the whole sporting director coach setup as I think it limits the amount of potential replacements when it goes wrong, which inevitably it will. No manager coach lasts forever, but let''s let him prove himself either way. All I hope is that the board doesn''t mess about if it''s not working, but I don''t particularly hold out any hope of that.

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I think you''re going to want to give it more than a few games.

I would expect a relatively slow start whilst players are still adjusting and gelling etc

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Agree it is too early to judge although I am trying to stay cautiously optimistic.

For me it is going to be about team spirit and having a squad fit enough to be at it until the final whistle.

In the Lambert championship year we did not have a squad that on paper could compete for promotion let alone achieve it. But the team were more than the some of the parts. Since Lambert left we have dropped back to being no more than the some of the parts and last season much less than the sum of the parts.

If DF can get the team playing with spirit and once again being more than the sum of the parts I would be optimistic that we can compete irrespective of the personnel changes.


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Yes, I''m positive, principally because our football future is being shaped by people with a clear and coherent shared vision of what they''re trying to achieve and how to go about achieving it. Hence I''m not particularly concerned about the possible departure of Oliveira for example, despite his many virtues; the success of the strategy being implemented doesn''t depend on his staying, and there are many Oliveira-alternatives out there, some almost certainly already on Webber''s radar. 

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Positive,not sure unsettled yes with some early work completed in the transfer window was hoping for decent centre backs etc but to lose Nelson to me would be a big blow especially with the Jerome to Fulham whispers,but lets see where we start Craven Cottage and who with,then let the protests begin :)

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Bottom three at Xmas, board in disarray and German canary merchandise in the bargain basket with the who''s afraid of the wolf t shirts.

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You are going to be a barrel of laughs on the rattler heading to Fulham on 5th. Christ i hope that Top Hat chap is not on the same train.

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[quote user="Herman"]Anyone else looking forward to the new season, like me? I am quite happy with what the club is up to. A complete clear out and a re-structuring is what the club needs to do, (it should have done the last time we were relegated, which in fairness they attempted with Adams, but didn''t carry through). The team has been stale for a while and last season was the final proof, if proof were needed.Anyway, so far we have a new, exciting coach, coaching set up and management set up. Very positive for me. Great youth players either coming through or are now first team regulars, Murphys, Maddison, Godfrey,Toffolo etc. Very positive.Players like Hoolahan, Pritchard, Klose, Oliviera* still here. Very positive.Cleared out a lot of the older and expensive players, some clearly happy to be somewhere else, which is a positive to me, and making way for some newer, fresher additions like Watkins and Vrancic.Yes, there''s still work to be done (new defenders please), but imo the club is moving in the right direction. Just to add, to cover my arse, it could all end in disaster (Fulham away first game) but I''d rather we try something new than carry on in the same loop that we were in.

*I think we can all agree that we need to keep Nelson at all costs and let''s hope that the Reading thing is just complete bollox[:D][/quote]What''s not to be positive about? The club have adhered to my advice [;)] by employing 5 Germans and like it or not the crouts are superbly intelligent and highly skillful where the game of football is concerned [Y] Your request for additional defenders is obviously justified and I''m hoping Farke is again looking at the youth of Borussia Dortmund II or similar for recruitment''s -- despite the sales of players such as Howson and the savings on wages of players offloaded, we don''t have a sh*t-load of money, so I trust Farke to build for the future by nurturing the youngsters already here whilst bringing in talented youth from abroad - i.e. his old club and players such as Till Schumacher - 19 (LB/CB) & Lars Dietz - 20 (CB/DM/RB).We''re going into the new season fresh faced - The opposition will not know how to deal with us - Let''s rip this pox-ridden Division a new ars*hole [H]

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Cautiously optimistic subject to their not being any more big money departures. If Oliveira and/or Murphy were sold that would change things for me not least in terms of the atmosphere and vibe around the place.

I hear the arguments about this being a "transition season" but to be honest with the way the finances are going and with our stubborn owners it feels a bit like the last chance saloon as I fear from next season onwards our ability to compete is going to be very restricted if we stay down. It''s not really the right time to be having a "transition season" so for me whilst I will be patient with Farke I have no patience left with the board.

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Jim Smith wrote the following post at 10/07/2017 2:12 PM:

Cautiously optimistic subject to their not being any more big money departures. If Oliveira and/or Murphy were sold that would change things for me not least in terms of the atmosphere and vibe around the place.

I hear the arguments about this being a "transition season" but to be honest with the way the finances are going and with our stubborn owners it feels a bit like the last chance saloon as I fear from next season onwards our ability to compete is going to be very restricted if we stay down. It''s not really the right time to be having a "transition season" so for me whilst I will be patient with Farke I have no patience left with the board.

The board are preparing for a sustainable future. They obviously realise they do not have the required funds to mount a top two finish. All in the meantime they are shedding big money earners but also recruiting the required staff to be able to cope with the future.

Would you rather risk it all or nothing in a transitional season or plan for a sustainable future?

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Quite a lot is going to hinge on departures. If we sell Jacob, Josh, Nelson or Pritchard I''ll be much less positive than if we can shift people like Naismith or even Klose.

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Not overly positive I''m afraid. I haven''t seen anything that fills me with optimism. An untried manager,a director of football trying to emulate last season by going down the exact same route he did at Huddersfield(that rarely works),and we still are a little frail in defence as Farke admitted after the Lowestoft game. So I''m a bit glass half empty.

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Fulham cannot come quick enough for me. Bring it on i say. There,how positive is that ?

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Pre-season is a wonderfully positive time as it allows for all the possibilities that a new football season can bring.

This is an eternally positive time of year for all football fans of all clubs going back to football time immemorial.

Focusing the context to our particular set of restructuring circumstances, then we are relying on doing better with less. Our structure is welcome, though belated.

The concept of young and hungry, cheaper, with something to prove, grateful and moulding lesser elements into something greater than the sum of its parts is elegant, though not revolutionary or untried.

Lower league players are not all hidden gems. That is romantic wishful thinking. Established top level performers are not all mercenary, careless, overpaid deadwood. There is an element of realistic ceilings being reached and football actualité extending beyond our practical reach.

The question is not whether we are positive at the direction being taken, but rather what pragmatic effect it will have on results.

Much of the pre-season joke-de-vivre and the recently-converted bien-pensants in this thread will be tested by results. Following fairly major reconstruction a mid-table finish with clear identity and pattern-of-play would represent success.

It would only be a forward move in an esoteric sense however and those who state they ''just want to see commitment and hunger'' will need strong stomachs should such endeavour not amortise for quality.

The right move at the wrong time. Solving yesterday''s problems. The economy stupid.


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joke-de-vivre - love it.


Yes it''s the right move at the wrong time, the right time would have been 12 months ago.  Anyone reading this thread with a time machine, please take note.  But given where we are, I think it''s the right approach.


A problem we seem to have been left with after 3 + 1 years in the Prem is that quite a few players have ended up on salaries that reflect that time in the Prem, but which their personal ability doesn''t really justify.  Which is why we''ve let go people like Bennett, Bassong, Ruddy and even Howson - I guess we''d have been happy to keep them but only on much lower wages.  I''ll be interested to see whether Sunderland have the same problem.


Realistically it all comes down to the numbers and our player wages falling to £33m the coming season but then falling to £14m the season after.  So a big restructuring is necessary this season and if we don''t go up, I expect another big set of changes next summer as well.


For me I am still cautiously optimistic that our German management can inspire the same sort of vitality  on the pitch that Lambert did.


You know what was the best bit watching us play under Lambert, especially away from home ?  Knowing that he had a Plan B and it was no big deal if we went behind - he''d make changes with plenty of time to go and often we''d come back to win.  I remember especially when we played at Huddersfield and conceded a goal after 3 minutes and came back to destroy them 3-1. Or the time at Leicester when we beat them 3-2 in an evening game - a Leicester season ticket holder said to me, a month or so back, that was the best away performance he''d ever seen at their place, bar none.  Here''s hoping.

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