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conference of coaches in Brazil - worthy should read

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Last Updated: Monday, 25 July, 2005, 07:12 GMT 08:12 UK
Lost in transition
By Tim Vickery


At what point is a game of football won and lost?

Late last year a conference of coaches in Brazil was debating this very topic.

Former Scotland coach Andy Roxburgh, now on Uefa''s technical staff, was attending the event.

He had recently discussed the subject with Jose Mourinho and he passed on the views of the Chelsea boss.

While many believe that set-pieces are the decisive factor in a game, for Mourinho the key to winning lies in transitions - the moment when possession changes hands from one side to another.

If the side winning the ball can quickly organise a counter-attack and if the side losing the ball are slow to re-organise their defence, then there is a good chance that the move will end in a clear goalscoring opportunity.

It was a

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