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Evil Monkey

Silence Is Golden

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So what''s the verdict for tonight, then, if Francis plays? Either way, his name is going to be read out at least...

I implore everyone - DO NOT BOO HIM!!!

Regardless of what people think, it does affect the morale of the whole team.  For all we know the whole situation could have been put to bed by now, and forgiveness issued, etc.  How do you think the rest of the Liverpool squad would have felt if their Captain, Sir Steven Gerrard, was booed after his Summer antics? Okay, so he had the balls to apologise and admit he''d made a mistake...

Given that so far we''ve heard squat from the player himself, save the Boos for Tony Finnegan, and save your breath further by simply not acknowledging Francis. It will be a much more powerful statement than Pantomine antics.....

Please, please, please - DO NOT BOO!!!

See... this Monkey ain''t so Evil...............

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Silence is golden. Let''s not boo him. Maybe boo him when he isn''t a Norwich player and returns with another club... but for now he will be wearing the yellow and green.

Would people accept him back if he apologised like Steven Gerrard did? I think not, but would like to think we would because if his heart and head is put back in it, he would be a damn fine player for us this year.

But as it stands I''d rather have the money and buy a couple of players... guess we''ll find out his intentions in a few hours...

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Yup  , to greet  his appearance with total silence  is the way to go ! ...  booing him would just feed his vanity , like , hey , I`m so famous these peasants are booing me ...  just give an ego shrinking cheer if he  pulls off his  party trick ,  missing open goals 

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